LP#1465998 -- overlayfs "rmdir" panic issue

Tyler Hicks tyhicks at canonical.com
Wed Jun 17 19:06:07 UTC 2015

On 2015-06-17 19:17:46, Andy Whitcroft wrote:
> The overlayfs emergency CVE fix backports for trusty, precise and utopic
> have the potential to trigger a kernel panic in the face of cirtain
> operations against directory objects only on the lower layer (at least).
> Following this email are patches for trusty, precise and utopic.
> Proposing for SRU to trusty, precise and utopic.  Vivid and Wily should
> not be affected.
> Reviews appreciated.

Hi Andy - These patches look mostly correct to me but I'm curious why
you chose to wrap some ovl_dentry_root_may() call sites with the NULL
dentry check and left others without such a check?

I would have expected ovl_dentry_root_may() to be changed to return 0 if
realpath->dentry is NULL so that we don't miss adding the check to any
ovl_dentry_root_may() callers.

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