[utopic 1/1] UBUNTU: [Packaging] uploadnum should be the remainder of the version

Andy Whitcroft apw at canonical.com
Tue Jan 6 11:18:13 UTC 2015

The uploadnum variable in debian/rules is somewhat confusingly named,
it should be the "remainder of the version after <version>-<abinum>", not
just the uploadnum itself.  This version is only used for identification
in uname -v and there it is completely appropriate for this to be complete
with backport versions etc.

BugLink: http://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/1407755
Signed-off-by: Andy Whitcroft <apw at canonical.com>
 debian/rules.d/0-common-vars.mk | 2 +-
 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-)

diff --git a/debian/rules.d/0-common-vars.mk b/debian/rules.d/0-common-vars.mk
index d86914d..d2d62c1 100644
--- a/debian/rules.d/0-common-vars.mk
+++ b/debian/rules.d/0-common-vars.mk
@@ -65,7 +65,7 @@ abinum		:= $(shell echo $(revision) | sed -r -e 's/([^\+~]*)\.[^\.]+(~.*)?(\+.*)
 prev_abinum	:= $(shell echo $(prev_revision) | sed -r -e 's/([^\+~]*)\.[^\.]+(~.*)?(\+.*)?$$/\1/')$(abi_suffix)
 abi_release	:= $(release)-$(abinum)
-uploadnum	:= $(shell echo $(revision) | sed -r -e 's/[^\+~]*\.([^\.~]+)(~.*)?(\+.*)?$$/\1/')
+uploadnum	:= $(shell echo $(revision) | sed -r -e 's/[^\+~]*\.([^\.~]+(~.*)?(\+.*)?$$)/\1/')
 ifneq ($(full_build),false)
   uploadnum	:= $(uploadnum)-Ubuntu

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