Saucy namespace pollution

Andy Whitcroft apw at
Fri May 10 10:58:16 UTC 2013

On Thu, May 09, 2013 at 05:11:38PM -0700, Tim Gardner wrote:
> Andy - I've been working on some changes to manta and mako to fix
> some namespace collisions. Since both packages are based on the same
> kernel the first manta upload failed because the linux-headers
> package had a lesser version then the package that was already in
> the archive.
> Please review ubuntu-saucy master-next and ubuntu-saucy manta for
> changes that I've added to distinguish the Nexus kernels package
> names with their platform name. I think there is likely more to be
> done, but I've run out of time for today.

The installer team has asked us to keep the binary and header package
names of a consistent for regardless of which source package they
originate in as this simplifies their work and allows us to move
flavours between source packages without affecting them:


As flavour names are already required to be unique and non-overlapping,
the only package which can collide is the independant headers package;
and indeed it was this that failed during the upload.  For all the other
packages (linux-ppc, linux-lowlatency etc) we have fixed that by changing
just the prefix for that from linux-headers- to SRCPKGNAME-headers-,
we are allowed to change that as it is only referenced from the binary
packages we produce.

I have put together a minimal fix for manta for this and am testing it
now.  I will advertise some alternative branches once that is done.


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