compat wireless package

Tim Gardner tim.gardner at
Wed Jul 6 12:50:11 UTC 2011

On 07/06/2011 05:44 AM, Dechesne, Nicolas wrote:
> On Tue, Jul 5, 2011 at 9:48 PM, Tim Gardner<tim.gardner at>wrote:
>> Nicolas - You should get it for free when we create the compat-wireless
>> package based on 3.0 and package it in the linux-backports-modules-2.6.X for
>> each release. The one thing we'll have to start doing is to build LBM for
>> armel, something not currently done.
> tim, thanks for your answer. any idea when this package is going to show up?
> also i am not sure i fully understand exactly what ubuntu is doing with LBM
> and compat-wireless. it seems that the compat-wireless packages are
> available for lucid (
>, but
> not for maverick (
> and not
> for natty. i would expect that it would be consistent, so I might not be
> looking at the right place. is there any wiki/blueprint that describes how
> you handle this?

There are compat-wireless packages available in each release for each 
subsequently released kernel. For example, Lucid has CW packages from 
2.6.33-2.6.38, Maverick has CW packages from 2.6.36-2.6.38, etc. We're a 
bit behind on 2.6.39, but we'll propagate CW from 2.6.39 soon (as well 
as 3.0 when its released).

> in the very short term, i would like to quickly package compat-wireless for
> a 10.10 OMAP based project, so is there any source package that you would
> recommend us to start with?

CW has its own native packaging with which you could start. I've been 
pulling tarballs from

> and yes, that would be nice if you could create LBM for arm ;-)
> thx!

Tim Gardner tim.gardner at

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