CONFIG_NF_CT_ACCT is being deprecated

Tim Gardner tim.gardner at
Mon Jun 28 17:11:25 UTC 2010

On 06/28/2010 11:03 AM, Scott James Remnant wrote:
> On Fri, 2010-06-18 at 13:52 -0600, Tim Gardner wrote:
>> Can you review my patch against module-init-tools in
>> at
>> ?
> NAK.
> Module defaults should be changed by patching the kernel where they are
> defined.  Otherwise we end up with problems in future where module or
> option names change in the kernel without being noticed, and the
> corresponding userspace config becomes out of sync.
> I spent too long cleaning these up in recent releases for you to begin
> introducing them again ;-)

Point taken.

>> I'm a bit confused about you're maintaining this package. There is a
>> Vcs-Bzr in the Lucid version, but no mention exists in the Maverick package.
> bzr branch lp:ubuntu/module-init-tools
> This is the new standard packaging approach, and doesn't require Vcs-Bzr
> (if you'd just grabbed the source, patched and uploaded, it would have
> resulted in a commit on that branch -- or you can checkout and do it
> properly)
> Scott

Its a moot point. The xt_connbytes filter is the only filter that 
depends on CT accounting, so I wrote an xt_connbytes patch that forces 
it to be enabled at runtime. Its all been accepted by upstream and will 
appear in 2.6.36.

Tim Gardner tim.gardner at

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