CONFIG_NF_CT_ACCT is being deprecated

Scott James Remnant scott at
Mon Jun 28 17:03:46 UTC 2010

On Fri, 2010-06-18 at 13:52 -0600, Tim Gardner wrote:

> Can you review my patch against module-init-tools in 
> at 
> ?

Module defaults should be changed by patching the kernel where they are
defined.  Otherwise we end up with problems in future where module or
option names change in the kernel without being noticed, and the
corresponding userspace config becomes out of sync.

I spent too long cleaning these up in recent releases for you to begin
introducing them again ;-)

> I'm a bit confused about you're maintaining this package. There is a 
> Vcs-Bzr in the Lucid version, but no mention exists in the Maverick package.
bzr branch lp:ubuntu/module-init-tools

This is the new standard packaging approach, and doesn't require Vcs-Bzr
(if you'd just grabbed the source, patched and uploaded, it would have
resulted in a commit on that branch -- or you can checkout and do it

Scott James Remnant
scott at
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