Daily LiveISO testing images

Jeremy Foshee jeremy.foshee at canonical.com
Thu Jun 17 20:02:20 UTC 2010

   The cutoff for Alpha2 is fast approaching and I'd like to take a
minute for us to revisit an initiative that is near and dear to my

The LiveISO test images are something that I'd like to make available,
if possible, to the LoCo teams and groups willing to conduct these basic
tests on their hardware during such events as Global Jam or even
conferences that the LoCo has smace available in.

My thanks goes to Manoj for the test suite, Brad for getting them going earlier and to Andy for
starting to set aside some space for them in the Kernel PPA, but there is some
more work to be done, so I'd like to list here what i think some of the
tings that are being done and some that are still needed.

1) Wiki documentation on the ISOs and their use
2) Wiki documentation on the test suite and how to create new tests and
submit them for review/inclusion in the test suite.
3) Daily builds of the ISO based on that day's CoD LiveISO image.
4) A testing repository available in the Kernel PPA that contains no
more than 3 to 5 images (I prefer less than 5 due to the size the images
take up, but this can be reduced to just the one image if 3 is too much)

On the wiki documentation, I know Manoj has some beginning documents on
the test suite, but i seem to have misplaced the link. We still need
information on what they are for and what our desire is for their use. I
plan to start this page early next week. The daily builds ran into a
hiccup, but i hope we can get them going again early next wek if
possible. Andy set aside the testing area of the PPA, but it looks like
Brad doesn't have the permissions to upload the images there. 

My question:
Do you think we can accomplish this before we freeze for Alpha2?
If not, what are the things that you see as blocking this?

I really want us to start getting some feedback via the images before we hit Beta1. 
I'm also really interested in your feedback as to how we use the data we
get. Do we include results for the past week in our bug chat? Do we make
the results part of our meeting? How do we use what we get in a
meaningful fashion to attempt to improve the Ubuntu Kernel?

I look forward to your feedback.



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