Kernel Triage Summit Call for Experts

Jeremy Foshee jeremy.foshee at
Thu Jun 17 18:51:53 UTC 2010

Folks, this is a call to all of those out there who devote a great deal
of their time to specific subsystems and related components to the
kernel, whether it be userspace or kernelspace. I am interested in
getting an idea of your willingness to participate in a kernel triage
summit geared toward expanding understanding of kernel bugs as well as
focused training in triage aspects of subsystem bugs.

I know there are those of you who spend a great deal of time during the
week working on these issues, and the last thing you want to do with
your weekend is work some more, but I am hopeful thatm by providing this
type of training, we can get the highest quality of advanced bug reports
in your hands as developers and contributors. The idea being that, by
giving a little work, you can possibly save yourself a lot of work.

The subsystems I have been specifically asked about are:

USB stack
Firewire Stack
Bluetooth stack
sysfs/filesystem debugging for newbies

The list is by no means comprehensive nor complete at this time. I know
that there are other aspects of the kernel that lend themselves to
separate classes of training to address, so, as you respond, please also
indicate which of these you are interested in discussing with potential
and current triagers.

There are several of you that I have in mind to ask about discussing
specific topics such as, how to determine if a kernel bug needs a look
from userspace maintainers and how to go about approaching them with the
specific bug or what workarounds should be attempted and what the
results of the workaround indicates from a kernel perspective. I'll be
sending out more targeted e-mail to those of you that have already
expressed an interest in specific topics so that you and your peers can
discuss the best way to deliver these classes.

I know this is a lot to digest, so I wanted to get the e-mail out soon
so that you can all gather your thoughts and let me know what you think.
As with all new events and ideas, I welcome your feedback as we move
through the process of making this a reality. I am still working out the
schedule of how this will go, so nothing is in stone yet. Please provide
me with your preferred time to present as this will most likely be given
on a Saturday initially so as to provide the best possible time for
students and persons with other employment to attend.

I look forward to working with all of you.



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