Please help / suggest

Praseen Preman praseen.preman at
Wed Feb 17 17:51:39 UTC 2010


I am using Hardy even now because I feel that it seems to more stable
than the other versions like Jaunty Jackalope. I used to have frequent
X server crashes while I used JJ, and also commands for kernel
compilation and module insertion etc. are well tried and tested in
Hardy and there is ready help available on the net for any issues with
Hardy, since its been around for a while now.

Yep, I have to get the Nvidia drivers from the repo, but I still dont
know why my compiled kernel corrupts my Nvidia drivers in my
previously installed kernel


On 17/02/2010, manoj.iyer at <manoj.iyer at> wrote:
> Praseen,
>> I am currently using the Ubuntu Hardy Heron 8.04 LTS kernel version
>> 2.6.24-26. I wanted to insmod and modprobe a few of my own hand written
>> rudimentary modules into the kernel. I succeeded in my above venture,
>> but with a few unwanted side effects.
> Is there any specific reason why you are using Hardy?
>> though. The real issue I was facing as that, my nVidia drivers and
>> creative sound card drivers failed to work at first for the 2.6.24
>> version kernel and soon for the shipped 2.6.24-26 kernel too it failed
>> to work. Following this X windows too ceased to work properly for both
>> the kernels.What  isthe best way to solve and avoid such a scenario.
> Nvidia uses proprietary drivers, if you build your own kernel you should
> do with hardy kernel source, you can apt-get that from the repo.

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