Integration request of VIA pata_via.c and sata_via.c which arealready in mainline kernel - Resend

BruceChang at BruceChang at
Thu Mar 19 03:10:49 UTC 2009

Hello Stefan:
    Attached file is the storage patch for the hardy with VIA's new chipset. Please kindly help.
Thanks and Best Regards
Bruce C. Chang(張祖明)
VIA Technologies, Inc. 
Address: 1F, 531, Chung-Cheng Road, Hsin-Tien, 231 Taipei
Tel: +886-2-22185452 Ext 7323
Fax: +886-2-22186282
Skype: Bruce.C.Chang
Email: BruceChang at

-----Original Message-----
From: Stefan Bader [mailto:stefan.bader at] 
Sent: Friday, March 13, 2009 1:22 AM
To: Bruce Chang
Cc: tim.gardner at; kernel-team at; Joseph Chan
Subject: Re: Integration request of VIA pata_via.c and sata_via.c which arealready in mainline kernel - Resend

BruceChang at wrote:
> Hello Tim and Stefan:
>     Thank you very much for your great support. Is it possible to 
> integrate it in Hardy too? You have long term support plan on this 
> version and VIA would like to support this version too.

I just verified the patches for Hardy and Intrepid:

* The pata patch could be accepted (after minor adaptions) but it also requires
   the following patch as prerequisite:

   From 28612e6b541ad7e3a492f42c1a18788031360af0 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
   From: Tejun Heo <htejun at>
   Date: Thu, 7 Feb 2008 10:18:53 +0900
   Subject: [PATCH] pata_via: fix SATA cable detection on cx700

   The first port of cx700 is SATA.  Fix cable detection.

   Intrepid has both patches already applied.

* The sata patch does not apply to Hardy nor to Intrepid. This might be minor,
   however it is unclear whether it might require the following patch which
   is more intrusive:

   commit b9d5b89b487517cbd4cb4702da829e07ef9e4432
   Author: Tejun Heo <tj at>
   Date:   Wed Oct 22 00:46:36 2008 +0900

   sata_via: fix support for 5287

   This sounds like there are dependencies to the libata as well, which we
   should avoid for a stable release. Can you provide us a minimal patchset
   to get support for the sata bridges or verify whether just adding the
   new ID's to the drivers still works as expected?


> Thanks and Best Regards 
> =================================================
> Bruce C. Chang(張祖明)
> VIA Technologies, Inc.
> Address: 1F, 531, Chung-Cheng Road, Hsin-Tien, 231 Taipei
> Tel: +886-2-22185452 Ext 7323
> Fax: +886-2-22186282
> Skype: Bruce.C.Chang
> Email: BruceChang at
> -----Original Message-----
> From: kernel-team-bounces at 
> [mailto:kernel-team-bounces at] On Behalf Of Tim Gardner
> Sent: Thursday, March 12, 2009 7:38 AM
> To: Bruce Chang
> Cc: kernel-team at
> Subject: Re: Integration request of VIA pata_via.c and sata_via.c which arealready in mainline kernel - Resend
> BruceChang at wrote:
>> Hello Sirs: May I request your greate help to integrate the patch of
>> pata_via.c(commit ID: e4d866cdea24543ee16ce6d07d80c513e86ba983) and 
>> sata_via.c (commit ID:6813952021a7820a505002de260bda36978671f7) which 
>> are already in 2.6.29-rc2/rc3 mianline kernel for the support of VIA 
>> VX855(Integrated chipset of NorthBridge and souchth bridge) and 
>> VT8261(southbridge)? It will be appreciated if they can be integrated 
>> into Jaunty / Intrepid / Hardy.
>> Thanks and Best Regards 
>> ================================================= Bruce C. Chang(張祖明)
>>  VIA Technologies, Inc. Address: 1F, 531, Chung-Cheng Road, 
>> Hsin-Tien, 231 Taipei Tel: +886-2-22185452 Ext 7323 Fax:
>> +886-2-22186282 Skype: Bruce.C.Chang Email: BruceChang at
> Both commits are already in Jaunty.


When all other means of communication fail, try words!

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