include ext4

Jason Newton nevion at
Thu Sep 25 01:59:29 UTC 2008

Theodore Tso wrote:
> What -rc release is it currently on?  A lot of fixes went in during
> the 2.6.27-rc series, so that's actually rather important. 
Looks like 2.6.27-rc7 and October 16th as the kernel freeze date.

> The biggest and most important patch pending for 1.41.2 isn't actually
> an ext4-specific bug.  I didn't notice right away, unfortunately, but
> ever since a little while before 1.41.0 was released ...
This is nice, it improves odds of 1.41.2/related important patches 
getting dragnetted into intrepid I should think since it's on 1.41.0, 
else keep a partially broken fsck for ext2/3/4.

ps.  Does anyone else notice that Ted's emails are not showing up on  
Mine are and I don't think is a source of spam....

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