Can not boot 2.6.20-15.25

John Lenz jlenz2 at
Sat Apr 14 18:44:47 UTC 2007

On 04/14/2007 02:04 AM, Kyle McMartin wrote:
> On Sat, Apr 14, 2007 at 01:49:27AM -0500, John Lenz wrote:
> You can work around this by "libata.ignore_hpa=0" on the kernel
> command line. Please post a dmesg from 15.25 when you get it booted.
> Cheers,
> 	Kyle

Ok, I got it to boot.  The problem is, adding libata.ignore_hpa=0 to the
kernel command line didn't set the parameter, because the libata module
is loaded by udev from the initrd.  I was able to see that by going into
/sys/module/libata/parameters... ignore_hpa was still 1.

So what I did is added a /bin/sh to the beginning of
/usr/share/initramfs-tools/scripts/init-premount/udev before udev was
run.  Then during the first shell, I ran

# modprobe libata ignore_hpa=0
# exit

<then udev ran>

# cd /sys/module/libata/parameters
# cat ignore_hpa
# exit

<boot up went fine>

So somehow I need to modify the udev in initrd to pass that option.

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