[Bug 35044] Re: [Bug 35044] Re: speedstep-smi doesn't load anymore on thinkpad t20

Kai Timmer email at kait.de
Mon May 29 06:28:18 UTC 2006

* Adam Woodworth <mirkwood07 at gmail.com> [2006-05-29 02:05]:
> This also happens on my Thinkpad X21.  The above link to the Linux bug
> thread shows that this is fixed in recent 2.6.16.x kernels.
> We are only a few days away from Dapper, but this bug is nearly two
> months old.  Are we going to see a 2.6.16.x kernel make it into Dapper
> soon, or not until much later?

For fixing this Bug, you donĀ“t have to switch to a 2.6.16 Kernel. Just
apply the Patch to the 2.6.15 source wich is in Dapper. 

Kai Timmer             | Jabber-ID: kait at jabber.ccc.de
PGP-Key ID: 0x69502566 | Blog: http://www.kaitimmer.de
  "Information ist schnell. Wahrheit braucht Zeit."

speedstep-smi doesn't load anymore on thinkpad t20

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