[Bug 36791] Wireless adapter Broadcom 4306 does not activate

mattnash mattnash at intrex.net
Tue Mar 28 18:51:04 UTC 2006

Public bug report changed:

This reply should have come in first, sorry:


Thanks very much for your help.  I think it is working now.  In any case 
'iwlist eth0 scan' returns the proper response, and the iwconfig results 
are more promising looking.  Unfortunately the one access point I can 
detect here at work has a hidden essid and I can't properly test it, but 
I will be able to once I get home.

The link to the bcm firmware given in the HOWTO doesn't seem to work -- 
ubuntu.cafego.net doesn't exist.  However I was able to use the .sys 
file supplied by HP in their Windows drivers, along with fwcutter as 
instructed.  Is that acceptable, or should I use a different firmware file?

Interestingly, iwconfig claims a 54Mb/s bit rate.  Is this just an

Thanks again,
Matt Nash

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