[Bug 20062] Keyboard non-responsive when using kernel 2.6.12 (breezy)

Sam samuel_chenal at yahoo.fr
Tue Mar 7 18:45:44 UTC 2006

Public bug report changed:


I have quite the same problem but with a PS/2 keyboard on a 5.10 (kernel
2.6.12-10-686-smp installed with apt-get). Just after grub launches the
selected kernel, the keyboard locks itself (impossible to enter the
password, open a console or toggle numlock key). I assume that the
problem occurs when the kernel loads, before the modules.

I noticed that if I toggle on/off several times the numlock key just
before the kernel loads, the keyboard is not locked (strange, isn't
it?). However, when I am in KDE, the arrows keys are very slow (to
navigate within a document or within a file in the console - e.g.
CTRL+Left/right/up/down). If I switch off the numlock key, the speed is

I went back to the original kernel (2.6.12-9-386) and it works well

I hope this will help. Keep me informed!



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