[Bug 35301] Re: [Bug 35301] Re: ueagle-atm driver does not work

arthemis frederic.paugam at laposte.net
Wed Jun 21 09:51:39 UTC 2006


Yes i know that ueagle-atm driver was accepted in mainline kernel.

I am not able to do this because i don't know how.
Can you do it yourself?

Le 20 juin 06 à 20:09, Krzysztof Lichota a écrit :

> ueagle-atm driver has been accepted into mainline kernel:
> http://www.kernel.org/git/?p=linux/kernel/git/stable/ 
> linux-2.6.16.y.git;a=commit;h=b72458a80c75cab832248f536412f386e20a93a0
> Can you please backport this change into Ubuntu kernel?
> This kernel module is really important for providing ADSL  
> connection for many Polish users.
> -- 
> ueagle-atm driver does not work
> https://launchpad.net/bugs/35301

ueagle-atm driver does not work

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