Planning for Juju 2.2 (16.10 timeframe)

James Beedy jamesbeedy at
Wed Mar 9 21:30:04 UTC 2016


It is very exciting to see this list of future feature topics! I feel these
are all very legitimate feature topics, and of the feature topics you have
listed, the operational concerns will definitely help to continue to
solidify an enterprise-y feature set within the Juju ecosystem, which, I
feel is highly needed, and also highly anticipated :-)

Concerning storage, the lifecycle management model would be a tremendous
improvement over what currently exists. I think a lot of users would be
more inclined to use the storage feature if there was some level of
persistence/lifecycle management associated with it.

On that note^, can we get a few cycles on the cinder/openstack storage
provider? The provider currently exists, but with minimal usability as
there is no concept of `availability zones` or `type`. The lack of ability
to configure az and type make the openstack provider storage feature highly
unusable outside of the single use case of single az, no type spec. I feel
like most of the functionality is there, it just needs to be
solidified/completed/documented to some extent.

Cross Model Relationships - I second Tom on this one, I think this would
open up a whole new world of capabilities.

Features to make Juju more usable/integrable:

1. Ability to configure machine hostname/fqdn.
    - This could be done by allowing a user to specify some subset
cloud-init user-data - hostname/fqdn would be a huge +1, but I'm sure there
are a lot of other things a little user-data could lend a hand to.
    - I have been trying to integrate juju to my existing puppet
infrastructure -- not being able to  specify a machine hostname/fqdn on
deploy is a huge road block for this task, and has kept me blocked from
bringing Juju fully on board throughout my company infra.

2. Juju Scale
    - The ability to set resource quotas/policies to enable the auto
scaling of services based on load type would be a HUGE win for Juju.
    - No more reaching out to heat for autoscaling groups!

Hope this helps!

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