Proposal for new charm policies.

Matthew Wedgwood matthew.wedgwood at
Fri May 10 15:41:25 UTC 2013

On 05/09/2013 05:52 PM, Clint Byrum wrote:
> Excerpts from Marco Ceppi's message of 2013-05-09 16:57:11 -0700:
>> On Thu, May 9, 2013 at 1:51 PM, Jorge O. Castro <jorge at> wrote:
>>> Specifically I'd like to propose these 5 things to move into policy:
>>> - 3 acks for charm reviews before a charm is considered "reviewed" in the
>>> store.
 > ...
> Whats missing here is automated testing chiming in on merge
> proposals. Having seen the way the OpenStack CI infrastructure helps
> submitters avoid obvious mistakes, it makes the reviewers' job much
> more enjoyable. You're no longer going over things with a fine toothed
> comb, but instead reading something that appears to work.
> That said, 3 is way too many. 2 reviewers should be enough with automated
> testing gating things.

The discussion that led to this new policy acknowledged that the 
requirement would be lowered after we'd built an automated testing 

I agree that three reviewers is too many, but our charm quality is 
suffering and eyeballs are all we've got at the moment.


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