[ANN] charmworldlib 0.1.0 released

Marco Ceppi marco.ceppi at canonical.com
Mon Dec 9 21:37:20 UTC 2013

Hello all,

I've released the first version of a Python Library designed to interact
with data from charmworld (https://manage.jujucharms.com). Currently this
library is used by charm-tools to interact with the available charms and
bundles in the ecosystem. This isn't considered a stable API and methods
may be changing in the near future. Until a 1.0 release, expect changes to
the API.

# Installing/Upgrading

For Ubuntu users, add ppa:juju/stable if you haven't already and run the

sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install python-charmworldlib

For other users, charmworldlib is available on pypi
https://pypi.python.org/pypi/charmworldlib/0.1.0 and via pip: pip install

# Features

At this time there are charm and bundle imports. charm provides a Charm
class which models a Charm, and a Charms object to search and poll the API
for charm related data. bundle provides a Bundles class and only a proof
endpoint is exposed. More features will be published in the upcoming
releases of charmworldlib.

# Support

Support for charmworldlib is available via bug reporting at

Marco Ceppi
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