Juju lxc/python3 issue on raring

Barry Warsaw barry at ubuntu.com
Mon Apr 8 18:42:33 UTC 2013

On Apr 08, 2013, at 06:09 PM, Martin Packman wrote:

>> I agree with Barry that we ultimately want -Es to be set automatically
>> though I actually like being able to override PYTHONPATH when testing
>> the lxc python scripts, so for this specific bug, I'd much rather the
>> JuJu folks fix the actual bug than have me workaround it in LXC.
>I think we have reverse perspectives on this. Why should everything
>that wants to use the lxc scripts know that they're implemented with
>Python, and should be either invoked via python3 with added flags, or
>to expunge PYTHON vars from the environment first? It's possible to
>work around this in juju, but that leaves the bug in place for
>everyone else.

I'm not quite sure what you mean by "reverse perspective".  It should be that
nothing needs to know they're implemented in Python, except of course the
script that's implemented in Python itself, and that thing should have -Es on
its shebang line.

If there are other bits of the environment that are breaking things, I'd like
to know!  If they are Python related, I can help address that.  While there
might be domain-specific environmental factors involved, it should be possible
to isolate the Python executable itself from the environment.  But perhaps I'm
misunderstanding something.

>I've got a branch that I think implements roughly what -Es does at
><lp:~gz/juju/lxc_env_testing> that could be applied as a patch to the
>package if needed.

I see r623 which pops any envar that starts with $PYTHON.  That can't hurt in
production afaict.

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