Juju lxc/python3 issue on raring

Barry Warsaw barry at ubuntu.com
Mon Apr 8 13:31:14 UTC 2013

On Apr 08, 2013, at 09:22 AM, Kapil Thangavelu wrote:

>I was talking to curtis and barry about this last week. The issue is the
>env that juju python env vars are leaking through to the subprocess calls,
>stripping them out explicitly  in the subprocess lxc calls should do the

I just updated LP: #1159020 with additional recommendations, which is to make
sure that all your Python shebang lines run Python with the -Es flags.  We're
trying to make this recommended/default for system scripts in Debian and
Ubuntu, but that will take time.

If, after cleaning up the environment and adding -Es the problem still exists,
feel free to ping me on IRC.  If I can reproduce it, I can help debug it.

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