Proposed Policy Change: Charms _must_ default to things in the archive if they're in main.

Clint Byrum clint at
Thu Sep 27 22:18:45 UTC 2012

Excerpts from Marco Ceppi's message of 2012-09-27 13:07:37 -0700:
> This sounds like a good idea in general; however, what about charms that
> have packages in the archive but don't actually provide any use-upstream
> config option - does it still have to install from archive or is this
> only "if you allow the option for use-upstream it has to default to false"?

Note the use of the term "seeded".

This is not a well understood term, but we have to start using that
instead of "main" and "universe", as the archive is being reorganized
over the next few releases.

Seeded basically means it is supported by the Ubuntu security team. You
can see if a package is seeded by installing the 'ubuntu-dev-tools'
package and running 'seeded-in-ubuntu -b binary-package-name' (or without
-b and the source package name).

The tool has a few bugs, it shows memcached as only on the kubuntu dvd,
but it is actually in the server supported seed. Anyway, if it is seeded,
we should default to using the archive version, because it will be
supported by security updates, QA, SRU's, etc. etc.

For something like wordpress, the opposite is true. It is not seeded,
and we would then encourage tracking as close to upstream as possible,
since it is more likely to be secure at that point (even though things
may sometimes break).

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