Proposed Policy Change: Charms _must_ default to things in the archive if they're in main.

Marco Ceppi marco at
Thu Sep 27 20:07:37 UTC 2012

This sounds like a good idea in general; however, what about charms that
have packages in the archive but don't actually provide any use-upstream
config option - does it still have to install from archive or is this
only "if you allow the option for use-upstream it has to default to false"?


On 09/27/2012 03:59 PM, Jorge O. Castro wrote:
> Charm ninjas,
> Both Tom Haddon and James Troup have brought up some concerns about
> how easy it can be for Charm authors to grab things from multiple
> sources, whether that's PPAs, VCS, directly from upstream, and so on.
> While this can be useful, there's also a ton of work that the server
> and security teams to certain packages to make them useful for devops.
> In other words, let's not throw away all that wonderful QA and
> testing.
> We have been recommending that things that are in the archive _should_
> default to installing from a package. I'd like to make it so that if a
> package is in main and the charm has options to deploy from other
> sources that it _must_ default to being installed from the archive.
> In this way "juju deploy haproxy" gets you the guarantees that we put
> on support for Ubuntu Server without you having to worry about it, and
> if you want optional more-bleeding edge bling, then it's easy to just
> toss a --use-upstream=true or whatever on the command.
> Here's the proposed merge:

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