Fun with uistage

Benji York benji at
Tue May 28 22:18:05 UTC 2013

On Tue, May 28, 2013 at 4:25 PM, Gary Poster <gary.poster at> wrote:
> Maybe we should also have a key to "find next service," Luca?  (where
> "next" is arbitrary).

As BSAVGKBDFL (Benevolent Self-Appointed Vim/Gmail Key Binding Dictator
For Life) I'll chime in:

In Vim "{" takes you to the beginning of the current paragraph. By
pressing { again and again you can move to other paragraphs.  "{" goes
to the end of the current paragraph.  Since we don't have paragraphs in
our model, those seem like good bindings to repurpose.

Therefore, pressing "{" will take you to the "previous" service and "}"
will take you to the "next".  The order is arbitrary, but should remain
consistent over time (as much as possible).
Benji York

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