jujucharms.com and Juju GUI 0.8.0

Antonio Rosales antonio.rosales at canonical.com
Tue Jul 23 04:41:03 UTC 2013

Well done. jujucharms.com looks amazing, and I get all this with a
juju deploy juju-gui too.


On Mon, Jul 22, 2013 at 2:26 PM, Gary Poster <gary.poster at canonical.com> wrote:
> (read on the GUI blog over here:
> http://jujugui.wordpress.com/2013/07/22/jujucharms-com-and-juju-gui-0-8-0/)
> Hi all.  I'm very happy to let you know that we have released the Juju
> GUI 0.8.0, and that it is powering http://jujucharms.com.
> The GUI itself has a lot of incremental improvements and bugfixes in
> this release, and the UI is even more beautiful and usable.  See the
> bottom of the email for changelog highlights, and see
> https://jujucharms.com/fullscreen/precise/juju-gui-head/#bws-readme for
> installation details if you want to know how to use the GUI in your own
> Juju environment.
> However, our biggest news to my mind is that we now have a
> jujucharms.com that really encourages discovery and exploration.  You
> can find charms; read more details about them; and experiment live to
> see how they interact within a mock Juju environment.  You can even
> (hidden feature, for now!) use shift-D to export your experiments into a
> human readable format, and use that to turn your experiments into a real
> running system in your own Juju environment (see
> https://launchpad.net/juju-deployer).
> Charmers, never fear: the features you need from the old site are still
> around, with some improvements.  See http://manage.jujucharms.com/ .
> Also, the old GUI demo site, uistage.jujucharms.com, will be retired
> soon, and redirect to jujucharms.com.  Meanwhile, if you want to follow
> along with our progress on a commit-by-commit basis, you are welcome to
> join us over at http://comingsoon.jujucharms.com/ .  You may have to
> clear your cache regularly on that site, if you keep coming back: we are
> working through this code quickly. :-)
> And in that vein, the thing I'm most proud of is being a part of the
> team that is making this!  Big thanks and congratulations to UX (esp.
> Alejandra Obregon and Luca Paulina), Curtis Hovey's Orange squad, and
> the Juju UI team.
> Bugfixes and new features are already in trunk, with more exciting
> things coming.  Thanks for reading.
> Gary
> 0.8.0 changelog highlights:
> - Update charm browser styling.
> - Add provider test result data and links
> - Charm browser shows lifetime downloads and commit counts.
> - Update service block design.
> - Fix deployment issues encountered for some charms, e.g. Marco Ceppi's
> discource charm.
> - Fix Juju deployer export.
> - More drag and drop deployment refinement and fixes.
> - Many other small bugfixes.
> - Incremental progress on service inspector behind the serviceInspector
> feature flag.
> --
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> Juju at lists.ubuntu.com
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