Call for testers: preview of persistent storage support
Andrew Wilkins
andrew.wilkins at
Fri May 26 03:48:44 UTC 2017
On Fri, May 26, 2017 at 11:26 AM Patrizio Bassi <patrizio.bassi at>
> Dear Andrew,
> what about private clouds such as maas?
MAAS is a bit special, because the disks are physically attached to the
machines. If and when we support something like Ceph RBD natively inside
Juju, then that could be detached from one machine and attached to another.
The new storage commands should work with private OpenStack clouds.
> Patrizio
> Il giorno mer 24 ma 2017 alle 03:38 Andrew Wilkins <
> andrew.wilkins at> ha scritto:
>> Hi folks,
>> One of the things we're working on for the 2.3 release (not 2.2!) is
>> persistent storage. What this means is the ability to detach storage from a
>> unit, and reattach it to another unit keeping the storage contents intact.
>> We would like to get some feedback before this all gets set in stone.
>> With the changes, removing an application unit will detach storage rather
>> than destroy it as Juju currently does. The storage will then be available
>> for attaching to another unit using "juju attach-storage <unit> <storage>"
>> or to a new application unit using "juju deploy <charm> --attach-storage
>> <storage>"; or for removal using "juju remove-storage <storage>".
>> For example, I can deploy postgresql on AWS with EBS storage. If I remove
>> the postgresql application, I can add another and attach the storage to it:
>> $ juju deploy postgresql --storage pgdata=100G,ebs
>> Located charm "cs:postgresql-148".
>> Deploying charm "cs:postgresql-148".
>> (wait for postgresql/0 to become active)
>> $ juju remove-application postgresql
>> removing application postgresql
>> - will detach storage pgdata/0
>> (wait for postgresql/0 and machine 0 to be removed)
>> $ juju deploy postgresql postgresql2 --attach-storage pgdata/0 --to
>> zone=<same-zone-as-postgresql/0>
>> Located charm "cs:postgresql-148".
>> Deploying charm "cs:postgresql-148".
>> (wait for postgresql2/0 to become active)
>> If you like, you can confirm for yourself that the data is persisted by
>> logging into the first machine and runing "sudo -u postgres psql", creating
>> some data, and then checking that it is still there from the second machine.
>> (The --to zone=... is required due to a limitation that we will remove by
>> the time 2.3 is released. EBS volumes and EC2 instances must be created in
>> the same AZ, and that's not automatic yet. This is fixed by
>> which, at the time of writing
>> this email, has not yet been merged.)
>> If you have any interest in these changes, please help us make them great
>> by testing out this early release:
>> $ sudo snap install --channel=edge --classic juju-axw
>> $ /snap/bin/juju-axw.juju bootstrap ...
>> The new/updated commands are:
>> - juju attach-storage <unit> <storage>
>> - juju detach-storage <storage>
>> - juju remove-storage <storage>
>> - juju deploy <charm> --attach-storage <storage>
>> (We'll also be adding --attach-storage to the "juju add-unit" command
>> soon.)
>> Thank you!
>> Cheers,
>> Andrew
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> Patrizio Bassi
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