Juju stable 1.25.3 is now released

Curtis Hovey-Canonical curtis at canonical.com
Mon Jan 25 21:56:37 UTC 2016

# juju-core 1.25.3

A new stable release of Juju, juju-core 1.25.3, is now available.
This release replaces version 1.25.0.

## Getting Juju

juju-core 1.25.3 is available for Xenial and backported to earlier
series in the following PPA:


Windows, Centos, and OS X users will find installers at:


## Notable Changes

This releases addresses stability and performance issues.

## Resolved issues

  * Unit loses network connectivity during bootstrap: juju 1.25.2 +
    maas 1.9
    Lp 1534795

 * "cannot allocate memory" when running "juju run"
    Lp 1382556

  * Bootstrap with the vsphere provider fails to log into the virtual
    Lp 1511138

  * Add-machine with vsphere triggers machine-0: panic: juju home
    hasn't been initialized
    Lp 1513492

  * Using maas 1.9 as provider using dhcp nic will prevent juju
    Lp 1512371

  * Worker/storageprovisioner: machine agents attempting to attach
    environ-scoped volumes
    Lp 1483492

  * Restore: agent old password not found in configuration
    Lp 1452082

  * "ignore-machine-addresses" broken for containers
    Lp 1509292

  * Deploying a service to a space which has no subnets causes the
    agent to panic
    Lp 1499426

  * /var/lib/juju gone after 1.18->1.20 upgrade and manual edit of
    Lp 1444912

  * Juju bootstrap fails to successfully configure the bridge juju-br0
    when deploying with wily 4.2 kernel
    Lp 1496972

  * Incompatible cookie format change
    Lp 1511717

  * Error environment destruction failed: destroying storage: listing
    volumes: get https://x.x.x.x:8776/v2/<uuid>/volumes/detail: local
    error: record overflow
    Lp 1512399

  * Replica set emptyconfig maas bootstrap
    Lp 1412621

  * Juju can't find daily image streams from cloud-
    Lp 1513982

  * Rsyslog certificate fails when using ipv6/4 dual stack with
    prefer-ipv6: true
    Lp 1478943

  * Improper address:port joining
    Lp 1518128

  * Juju status <service_name> broken
    Lp 1516989

  * 1.25.1 with maas 1.8: devices dns allocation uses non-unique
    Lp 1525280

  * Increment minimum juju version for 2.0 upgrade to 1.25.3
    Lp 1533751

  * Make assignment of units to machines use a worker
    Lp 1497312

  * `juju environments` fails due to missing ~/.juju/current-
    Lp 1506680

  * Juju 1.25 misconfigures juju-br0 when using maas 1.9 bonded
    Lp 1516891

  * Destroy-environment on an unbootstrapped maas environment can
    release all my nodes
    Lp 1490865

  * On juju upgrade the security group lost ports for the exposed
    Lp 1506649

  * Support centos and windows image metadata
    Lp 1523693

  * Upgrade-juju shows available tools and best version but did not
    output what it decided to do
    Lp 1403655

  * Invalid binary version, version "1.23.3--amd64" or "1.23.3--armhf"
    Lp 1459033

  * Add xenial to supported series
    Lp 1533262


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Curtis Hovey
Canonical Cloud Development and Operations

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