Testing Juju devel 2.0-alpha1 in AWS, Azure, and Joyent

Curtis Hovey-Canonical curtis at canonical.com
Fri Jan 22 18:52:55 UTC 2016

We are investigating an issue with the agent stream mirrors in AWS,
Azure, and Joyent. Bootstrapping will fail with a report there are not
matching tools. There are. The work-around is to set this in the
     agent-metadata-url: https://streams.canonical.com/juju/tools

^ this is non-obvious since it should be a no-op, but in fact restores
the 1.x default behaviour. Agents are indeed found in the public

Users GCE, Rackspace, and private clouds are not affected by this issue.

We believe this is a temporary issue. We will send announcement to
this list when the issue is resolved and the work-around is not

Curtis Hovey
Canonical Cloud Development and Operations

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