Fwd: Uniter tests for update-status hook - BLOCKER

roger peppe roger.peppe at canonical.com
Mon Jul 20 15:26:27 UTC 2015

[as roger.peppe at canonical.com this time :-) I wish there was a way to
configure gmail to always send as a particular user when mailing to a particular
email address]

On 20 July 2015 at 14:11, Martin Packman <martin.packman at canonical.com> wrote:
> The logs are giant,
> the actual failure lines tend to be non-informative with the real
> cause several screens up in the log, multiple tests have basically the
> same problems with common code...

FWIW I often delete all lines containing the string "[LOG]" before
looking at the output - it helps me to see the wood from the trees.

With regard to the more general issue, I agree that testing
independent workers is hard and testing all coverage paths
from outside the worker itself is probably not the best way
to do things.

These days, when I write some worker-like code, I tend to
do more or less what William suggests and write an independent
type (more-or-less a finite state machine) with appropriate methods
but no sleeping or channel waiting and put the core logic into that.

Then with most of the hard-to-test states out of the way, the actual
worker-related logic layered on top does not require so
many tests because I've gained confidence in the underlying

That's somewhat harder with the uniter, because its very state-dependent
channel operations make it awkward to write a uniform outer select loop.

If I were to do it, off the top of my head, I might consider making uniter.Mode
(which BTW should not really be exported) into an interface and each of the
existing mode functions into a separate types.

The mode interface might look something like:

    type mode interface {
        wantEvents() eventMask
        eventDying() mode
        eventUpgrading(curl *charm.URL) mode
        eventAction(actionId string) mode
        eventHooks(hookInfo hook.Info) mode
        // ... etc for all possible events that we might wait on
   type event uint64
   const (
       eventDying = 1<<iota
       ... etc

Then it becomes reasonably straightforward to
write internal tests for the individual modes outside
of the global context and also to write mock mode
types to test the outer loop independently of any specific
modes (one advantage of using an interface rather than
functions is that it's possible to compare interface values).

Channels created within the individual modes (leadership
being one example) are one challenge to this approach but
I don't think that's too hard to work around.

I don't *think* that this would inevitably result in the code
becoming much larger or harder to read (given suitable utility types
for individual mode implementations to embed), and much
of the change could be mechanical (disregarding those pesky



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