previously valid amazon environment now invalid?

Jesse Meek jesse.meek at
Wed Apr 29 00:05:42 UTC 2015

Hi Nate,

I looked into your bug. The default value for control-bucket was not 
being set. Here's a PR to fix:


On 29/04/15 06:41, Nate Finch wrote:
> No one seems to be answering my actual question. That error message 
> seems new. Is it?  Either way, the error message is incorrect - 
> control bucket is not required - and whatever is emitting that message 
> needs to be fixed.
> On Apr 28, 2015 2:32 PM, "Aaron Bentley" < at 
> < at>> wrote:
>     Hash: SHA1
>     On 2015-04-28 11:42 AM, roger peppe wrote:
>     > The .jenv code was introduced prior to 1.16. How far back in time
>     > do we need to preserve compatibility? (genuine question)
>     We need to support every mode of operation that 1.18 supported.  Juju
>     has a special exemption that allows minor releases, rather than
>     micro/bugfix releases, to added to Ubuntu.  But in order to use that
>     exemption, new versions of Juju are supposed to be equivalent to a
>     micro/bugfix release in terms of their compatibility.
>     We had our own IS people upgrade to juju 1.20 from 1.18 and find that
>     juju no longer worked.  That's terrible.
>     > If transitioning to the new scheme is really an issue, it would be
>     > easy to write a very simple tool that would allow a .jenv file to
>     > be created from an existing environments.yaml entry.
>     No, that's not the issue.  We have workarounds.  It's not supposed to
>     break in the first place.
>     > Or is the issue perhaps not just one of backward compatibility,
>     > but that people are actually relying on this (ostensibly
>     > only-for-compatibility) functionality even for environments
>     > bootstrapped since 1.16?
>     I don't know what "ostensibly only-for-compatibility" means. Yes we
>     need to be compatible, and yes we need to stay compatible.
>     Juju needs to be compatible with 1.18.  As William Reade said, "Thou
>     Shalt Not Break Compatibility With 1.18. We Are Stuck With It."
>     Aaron
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