ReviewBoard is now the official review tool for juju

Eric Snow eric.snow at
Mon Sep 15 18:18:36 UTC 2014

On Mon, Sep 15, 2014 at 11:05 AM, Katherine Cox-Buday
<katherine.cox-buday at> wrote:
> Let me preface this by saying I like the Reviewboard style of reviewing
> changes.
> It's somewhat concerning to me that our reviews are now disconnected from
> what will actually be landed into trunk. In Github, you were reviewing the
> actual diff which would be landed. In reviewboard, we're now reviewing a
> diff manually uploaded by the developer. There's a lot of room for error in
> terms of what diff we review vs. what diff we land.
> Any thoughts on how to couple these things once again?

I'm working on integration between github and reviewboard such that
creation of a PR creates a new review request automatically.  The same
goes for updating a PR.  Not only will that address what you are
talking about, it will remove the extra steps of creating/updating the
review request yourself and of closing a review request as submitted.
Ergo, rbt would not be needed for the typical workflow.  You would
still use it for "pipedlined" branches, though that could probably be
automated as well.

There is the possibility of pushing info from ReviewBoard back to
github (e.g. "ship-it" -> "LGTM" comment), but I don't think it buys
us enough to make it worth it (it's notably trickier).


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