Changing gocheck fetch url

John Meinel john at
Thu Sep 4 05:02:06 UTC 2014

I would migrate things over one at a time, as there shouldn't be
dependencies between them (test suites are run in a separate process for
every package). There is likely to be some "testing" packages that are used
in multiple packages, but that should all be in the juju-core layer. There
might be some test harnesses from other dependencies, but we have proper
lock-step dependency management already.

So my suggestion is to put up proposals for the dependencies, land them,
then update juju-core and dependencies.tsv at the same time, and everything
should go smoothly.


On Wed, Sep 3, 2014 at 7:05 PM, Bogdan Teleaga <
bteleaga at> wrote:

>  Hey,
> It seems that gocheck is still updated from
> However, as you can see if you check the page the project has moved to
> github( and this results in us not
> having the latest updates.
> So far I've tried doing a global sed in a backup go/src directory and
> everything seems to be working fine test-wise. However we need to commit
> everything in the respective repositories for godeps to work correctly. Is
> there any particular way we should go about doing this? I can get patches
> ready for every particular repo if needed.
> Bogdan
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