Actions :: UUID vs. Tag on command line

John Weldon johnweldon4 at
Fri Oct 24 16:54:55 UTC 2014


The current actions spec
indicates that the actions command line should return a UUID as the
identifier for an action once it's been en-queued using 'juju do <action>'.

Is there a compelling reason to use UUID's to identify actions, versus
using the string representation of the Tag?

A UUID would require a command something like:
  juju status action:9e1e5aa0-5b9d-11e4-8ed6-0800200c9a66

which maybe we could shorten to:
  juju status action:9e1e5aa0

I would prefer something like:
  juju status action:mysq/0_a_3

which would be the string representation of the actions Tag.

Is there a compelling reason to use UUID?


John Weldon
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