
Curtis Hovey-Canonical curtis at canonical.com
Mon Mar 17 16:16:56 UTC 2014

On Mon, Mar 17, 2014 at 12:40 AM, John Meinel <john at arbash-meinel.com> wrote:

> Curtis- Is it possible to do a 1.17.6 in the middle of the week rather
> than waiting until Thurs/Friday? That would still let us get a 1.18.0
> out at the end of the week with a bit of focus.

I can do a development release every day of the week if we exclude
ppc64el and arm64 (because they are built by Ubuntu. James May be
willing to do a 1.17.6 release for Ubuntu in the middle of the week if
it supports juju-mongodb. Ubuntu wont be getting 1.17.5 because it
breaks ppc64el and arm64.

Curtis Hovey
Canonical Cloud Development and Operations

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