
John Meinel john at arbash-meinel.com
Mon Mar 17 04:40:22 UTC 2014

We currently have 12 "Critical" bugs targeted to 1.18.0. And while
some of them may not be absolutely critical, it is still clear that we
cannot release 1.17.5 as 1.18.0, so we'll need to do a 1.17.6 release.

I created the milestone, and I'm moving the bugs over to it that
should be fixed before 1.17.6 can be released. I'd really like to get
this release out mid-week.

Curtis- Is it possible to do a 1.17.6 in the middle of the week rather
than waiting until Thurs/Friday? That would still let us get a 1.18.0
out at the end of the week with a bit of focus.

For everyone else, I'd like to have us focusing on burning down the
release blocking bugs for now. I'll try to put up Kanban cards for it
so we can see it in a centralized place.


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