Preparations for the 1.18.0 release

Mark Canonical Ramm-Christensen mark.ramm-christensen at
Mon Mar 10 16:32:03 UTC 2014

On Mon, Mar 10, 2014 at 10:55 AM, Curtis Hovey-Canonical <
curtis at> wrote:
> 3. I still see regressions that are not fixed. I have targeted them to
> 1.18.0. I also targeted additional test and doc related bugs to
> 1.18.0. I think these bug must be fixed to release 1.18.0.

If there are regressions that must be fixed, before 1.18, let's go ahead
and target those to 1.17.5 so we have a single list of everything that
absolutely MUST be fixed for 1.18.   Also that will allow us to just bless
1.17.5 as 1.18 if there are no showstoper bugs in 1.17.5.

> 5. If we prune the bugs to a very short list. It is possibly that I
> will release 1.17.5 in 1 day, then release 1.18.0 2 days later.
> This would be an awesome result.

> 6. I think we need to release 1.18.0 before March 21. If one of the
> targeted bugs must be fixed by then, but is unlikely to be fixed, we
> need to discuss this today and tomorrow.

If any such bugs exist, please make a list, post it to this email for
online discussion, and include me in a meeting request to discuss live.

Thanks everybody.   It looks like 1.18 is going to be a great release.

--Mark Ramm
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