python-django charm with subordinate app - help needed

Tim Penhey tim.penhey at
Mon Jun 9 03:32:29 UTC 2014

Hi all,

I'm looking at using the subordinate charm method for delivering the app
payload to the python-django charm.

>From the pyton-django readme:

> When you add a relation between your charm and the python-django
> charm, you will be able to get those relation variables from the
> hook:
>   settings_dir_path
>   urls_dir_path
>   django_admin_cmd
>   install_root
> Now your charm will be informed about where it needs to add new
> settings and urls files and how to run additionnal Django commands.
> The Django charm reloads Gunicorn after the relation to catch the
> changes.

Unfortunately the doc doesn't explain what I need to put where.

Lets say I have my django application in revision control, but it isn't
public (because it will be SAAS :-).  It follows pretty standard django
format, and testing wise I just use: ./ runserver

I have a settings file, and urls, and dependencies that I use a virtual
environment and a pip requirements.txt file for.

I'm thinking that I should have the install and upgrade hook use pip to
install the requirements.  It seems that the current python-django charm
isn't yet set up to handle virtual environments, is that right?

How then do I hook up the database for example?  I have settings in my
current, but this will clearly be superseded by the
relationship between python-django and postgresql.

Are there examples I could look at for existing charms that do this type
of thing?

Any help greatly appreciated.


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