Closed network support

John Arbash Meinel john at
Tue Jan 7 06:37:56 UTC 2014

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On 2014-01-06 5:30, Tim Penhey wrote:
> Hi folks,
> We have a rather nebulous work item called closed network support
> where we mention supporting proxies.
> Do we have a list of what proxies we need to support and where we 
> currently fall down?

I don't know of a specific list, but apt and http(s) proxies are what
has shown up in the past.

> Obviously there is apt. What proxy configuration or exports are we
> missing?

We need to be able to configure the proxies in the environment config,
such that they get propagated to the environment. (Preferably early on
in the cloud-init step.)

> HTTP proxies I guess are also needed. Do we have a document
> somewhere, or shall I start one?
> What proxies are used by the keyservers?

At this point, we shouldn't need one, as we should have the
cloud-archive *key* added to the cloud-init script, rather than the
key ID (which was then used to download the key).

> What else should we be considering?
> Tim

Charm store access I think. And setting up some sort of area so we can
actually use juju without outbound access and see how good/bad/broken
things are.

I think charms themselves can try to download remote things. For
priority charms, (eg Openstack) we want to make sure that they *can*
be installed without outside access.


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