What happened to pinned bootstrap

John Meinel john at arbash-meinel.com
Thu Apr 17 16:03:57 UTC 2014

If you bootstrap, you are installing juju onto the remotel machine. The
reason we created a *patched* version is to give you improvements (bug
fixes, security fixes, etc).
I honestly think it is good policy to give updated versions when we get a
chance to do so. We aren't trying to cross Minor versions during bootstrap,
and we intend that patch levels should be perfectly compatible.

I do understand your point, and we can bring it up to wider debate in Las
Vegas. However, we *have* had this debate a few times, and we still do it
the way we do because that was decided to be the best way to balance giving
users what they actually want (a good, stable, bug free version of juju).


On Thu, Apr 17, 2014 at 7:56 PM, Aaron Bentley
<aaron.bentley at canonical.com>wrote:

> Hash: SHA1
> On 14-04-17 11:48 AM, John Meinel wrote:
> > FWIW that isn't what you get if you do "apt-get install foo"
> That is fine *if* you do apt-get install foo.
> But the user isn't doing apt-get install juju-core.  They're just
> doing juju bootstrap.  They should expect to get exactly the same
> thing they got yesterday when they ran juju bootstrap.
> If the user wants to upgrade, that's great.  They know how to do that,
> and from then on, bootstrap will select the latest-and-greatest agent.
>  But don't take the choice to upgrade out of the user's hands.
> > I don't have a problem with "juju bootstrap" growing a "--version"
> > target (same as apt-get install foo=1.2.3). But I think our policy
> > of giving you the best version we've released that matches is
> > reasonable.
> Any version that hasn't been tested with the client is NOT the best
> version.  We cannot support what we do not test.
> Aaron
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> =+1cM
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