Adding default-series to example environments

John Meinel john at
Sat Apr 12 09:46:26 UTC 2014

Two thoughts from me:

1) I'm fine adding a commented out line. I'd like our config to be as
minimal as we can get away with, but we don't have a great place that
people can actually find everything-that-they-could-think-of-to-configure.
So short term it seems fine to put it in environments.yaml

2) Is it going to continue being likely that people want all their agents
on a given platform, or is this just migration pressure because of a
release coming out right now. Meaning, in 2 months people won't care much,
it just happens that right now things are in a higher state of flux.
I'd like us to keep in mind where we want to be. We designed the changes to
'default-series' to make it so that people would get the best system for
running their workload (mysql/postgres). With the feeling that most end
users care about the workload more than the specific platform it is on. If
we're getting a lot of feedback that it isn't true, we might need to
reevaluate this. Though we should keep in mind early-adopters (people
testing Trusty, etc) aren't necessarily our key audience.


On Thu, Apr 10, 2014 at 5:18 PM, Curtis Hovey-Canonical <
curtis at> wrote:

> I see two classes of confusion working with series that could be
> alleviated is the "juju --init"  included default-series for every
> environment. Users are trying Trusty, or trying to stay with Precise,
> and they don't know about default-series.
> Some users were deploying local charms without specifying the
> series.These users didn't know that they could add default-series to
> environments.yaml or do
>     juju set-env default-series=precise
> to a running env. [1]
> Some users want run trusty environments from their precise clients.
> default-series is the only way to specify the series of the bootstrap
> node. Users have learned this through experimentation.
> My own environment.yaml has default-series for some environments
> because "juju init" has sometimes included it. Juju-CI always
> specifies default series because we like to be clear about what we are
> testing. I think every example environment for every provider needs a
> commented out line explaining default-series
>     # Set series for the state-server and the default series of charms.
>     # default-series: trusty
> [1] The juju docs are updated. We are waiting for
> to get the next update.
> --
> Curtis Hovey
> Canonical Cloud Development and Operations
> --
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