"warning no tests to run"

John Arbash Meinel john at arbash-meinel.com
Fri Aug 30 10:49:59 UTC 2013

Hash: SHA1


>>> I think:
>>> go test -v ./... -gocheck.v
>>> might be what's needed here
>> It's odd that both verbose flags are needed, but that's just a 
>> niggle.
> Yeah, that's a consequence of using nested testing frameworks 
> (gocheck within standard go testing).

An interesting bit here is that this has 2 limitations for what *I* am
looking for.

1) Progressive output. Some test suites take minutes (hopefully better
now). It is nice to run those with "-gocheck.v" and get the feel for
how far along it is. Unfortunately "go test -v ./... -gocheck.v"
buffers the output until each package is finished. (It might be
buffering until 1 func Test(testing.T) finishes, but since we only
have 1 per package, it is effectively the same thing.)

2) juju-core itself gets a fail if you do this because
thirdparty/pbkdf2 doesn't actually import gocheck and thus doesn't get
the flag defined.

The crux of this (IMO) is that go test is actually building lots of
little programs on the fly, and passing down some of the flags that it
doesn't understand to each little bit.

Contrast that with what many of us are used to (unittest in python,
nosetest, etc) which actually has one master process that pulls in the
definitions from all the other modules and then interprets flags from

You end up with a situation where it *appears* you have one collection
of flags, but really you have N of them. (witness that providers/ec2
has an -amazon flag, while the other providers use -live, and maybe
- -vendor, and etc.)

Arguably it is an infrastructure issue (one could build all the _test
files as libraries and combine them into one major program and have
shared flags, etc), though it is probably too far down the road to
just change it now.

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