[ubuntu/intrepid] vlc 0.9.2-1ubuntu1 (Accepted)

Reinhard Tartler siretart at tauware.de
Thu Sep 25 06:15:58 BST 2008

vlc (0.9.2-1ubuntu1) intrepid; urgency=low

  * New Upstream Release, exception granted by
      - dktrkranz, norsetto, Hobbsee (via irc). LP: #270404

  Changes done in ubuntu:

  * add libxul-dev to build-depends
  * make sure that vlc is build against libxul in configure. This doesn't
    change anything in the package, but makes it more robust if building
    in an 'unclean' chroot or when modifying the package.
  * debian/control: make Vcs-* fields point to the motumedia branch
  * add libx264-dev and libass-dev to build-depends
    LP: #210354, #199870
  * actually enable libass support by passing --enable-libass to configure
  * enable libdca: add libdca-dev to build depends and --enable-libdca
  * install the x264 plugin.

  Changes already in the pkg-multimedia branch in debian:

  * don't install usr/share/vlc/mozilla in debian/mozilla-plugin-vlc.install
  * new upstream .desktop file now registers flash video mimetype LP: #261567
  * add Xb-Npp-Applications to mozilla-plugin-vlc
  * remove duplicate entries in debian/vlc-nox.install

vlc (0.9.2-1) experimental; urgency=low

  [ Christophe Mutricy ]
  * New upstream release
    + Soname changed
    + Bugs fixed upstream: Closes: #487646,  #298150, #325069, #392292,
      #458004, #470903, #458004, #423121
    + new upstream fixes various crasher bugs reported in ubuntu:
      LP: #189575, #113927, #103741, #111615, #107899, #112076, #198916, 221428,
          #91679, #96978, #123589, #133528, #231621, #259025
    + plays files with '+' in its name, LP: #239431, #217305
    + New packages: libvlccore0, libvlccore-dev, vlc-plugin-pulse
     (Closes: #471069)
    + Build-depends on libswsale-dev, libshout3-dev, libxpm-dev,
      zlib1g-dev, liblua5.1-0-dev, libschroedinger-dev, libtag1-dev,
      libqt4-dev, libqt4-dev-tools and pkg-config. (Closes: #461324)
    + time display no longer incomplete, LP: #193445
    + fixed volume bar behavior, LP: #250041
    + shout support closes LP: #127594, #84098,
    + Install new modules:
      - vlc-nox: alphamask, blendbench, bluescreen, canvas, cc, cdg, chain,
        colorthres, croppadd, dynamicoverlay, erase, faad, gaussianblur, grain,
        inhibit, lua, memcpy*, mmap, osd_parser, puzzle, remoteosd, rtmp,
        schroedinger, sharpen, stats, subusf, t140, telepathy, v4l2, vmem
      - vlc: qt4
      - vlc-plugin-jack: access_jack
    + Distribute the .pc for libvlc and vlc-plugin (Closes: #289507)
    + Remove wx interface and glide plugin as they've been dropped by upstream
      LP: #205325, #88487, #90603, #150380
    + The Python and java bindings are no longer part of the upstream tarballs
      (Closes: #469011)
    + Temporarly disable libdca module until a pkg with the new
      API get in unstable
    + Delete or refresh patches
    + New patches:
        - 052_as-needed taken from bug #347650 to teach libtool about
  * Install the skins DTD and the default skins it's only 113kB
  * Improve watch file
  * Add a vlc-data package for /usr/share  (13 MB)
  * Add a vlc-dbg package (Closes: #491564)
  * Sort vlc.install and vlc-nox.install

  [ Mohammed Adnène Trojette ]
  * Add myself to Uploaders.
  * debian/control:
    + Add proper conflicts/replaces to vlc-data with mozilla-plugin-vlc.
    + Add proper conflicts/replaces to vlc with vlc-nox.

vlc (0.8.6.i-2) experimental; urgency=high

  [ Loic Minier ]
  * Fix changelog entries for 0.8.6.h-2 and 0.8.6.h-3.
  * Bump up Standards-Version to 3.8.0.

  [ Christophe Mutricy ]
  * Security: Fix integer overflow in mms module (CVE-2008-3794)
    (Closes: #496265)(407-mms-overflow.diff taken from upstream)

  [ Sam Hocevar ]
  * debian/patches/300_manpage_syntax.diff: fix vlc-config.1 syntax.

vlc (0.8.6.i-1) experimental; urgency=low

  * New upstream release.
    - Refresh patch 010_iceape and change it to only patch the name of the .pc
      files, keep using FIREFOX_CFLAGS and _LIBS etc. as to allow us to only
      run autoconf, not automake.
    - Drop patch 401-CVE-2008-2430, merged upstream.
    - Update and rename patch 050_bootstrap to 900_autoconf.

vlc (0.8.6.h-3) unstable; urgency=low

  * Minor cleanups.
  * Use DEB_HOST_ARCH instead of DEB_BUILD_ARCH in rules.
  * Use objdump -x instead of ldd to check for links on libX11 as ldd might
    resolve libvlc to the system's version if the system has libvlc installed;
    closes: #495730.

vlc (0.8.6.h-2) unstable; urgency=high

  * Fix integer overflow in TTA (CVE-2008-3732) (405-CVE-2008-3732.diff)
  * Fix crashes in Live555 (406-live555-crash.diff)
  * Switch to libdc1394-22-dev (Closes: #484695)

Date: Wed, 17 Sep 2008 21:56:14 +0200
Changed-By: Reinhard Tartler <siretart at tauware.de>
Maintainer: Debian multimedia packages maintainers <pkg-multimedia-maintainers at lists.alioth.debian.org>
-------------- next part --------------
Hash: SHA1

Format: 1.8
Date: Wed, 17 Sep 2008 21:56:14 +0200
Source: vlc
Binary: vlc vlc-dbg vlc-nox libvlccore0 libvlc2 libvlccore-dev libvlc-dev vlc-plugin-esd vlc-plugin-sdl vlc-plugin-ggi vlc-plugin-arts mozilla-plugin-vlc vlc-plugin-svgalib vlc-plugin-jack vlc-plugin-pulse vlc-data
Architecture: source
Version: 0.9.2-1ubuntu1
Distribution: intrepid
Urgency: high
Maintainer: Debian multimedia packages maintainers <pkg-multimedia-maintainers at lists.alioth.debian.org>
Changed-By: Reinhard Tartler <siretart at tauware.de>
 libvlc-dev - development files for VLC
 libvlc2    - multimedia player and streamer library
 libvlccore-dev - development files for VLC
 libvlccore0 - multimedia player and streamer library
 mozilla-plugin-vlc - multimedia plugin for web browsers based on VLC
 vlc        - multimedia player and streamer
 vlc-data   - Common data for VLC
 vlc-dbg    - debugging symbols for vlc
 vlc-nox    - multimedia player and streamer (without X support)
 vlc-plugin-arts - aRts audio output plugin for VLC
 vlc-plugin-esd - Esound audio output plugin for VLC
 vlc-plugin-ggi - GGI video output plugin for VLC
 vlc-plugin-jack - Jack audio plugins for VLC
 vlc-plugin-pulse - PulseAudio plugin for VLC
 vlc-plugin-sdl - SDL video and audio output plugin for VLC
 vlc-plugin-svgalib - SVGAlib video output plugin for VLC
Closes: 289507 298150 325069 392292 423121 458004 458004 461324 469011 470903 471069 484695 487646 491564 495730 496265
Launchpad-Bugs-Fixed: 84098 88487 90603 103741 107899 111615 112076 113927 127594 150380 189575 193445 198916 199870 205325 210354 217305 239431 250041 261567 270404
 vlc (0.9.2-1ubuntu1) intrepid; urgency=low
   * New Upstream Release, exception granted by
       - dktrkranz, norsetto, Hobbsee (via irc). LP: #270404
   Changes done in ubuntu:
   * add libxul-dev to build-depends
   * make sure that vlc is build against libxul in configure. This doesn't
     change anything in the package, but makes it more robust if building
     in an 'unclean' chroot or when modifying the package.
   * debian/control: make Vcs-* fields point to the motumedia branch
   * add libx264-dev and libass-dev to build-depends
     LP: #210354, #199870
   * actually enable libass support by passing --enable-libass to configure
   * enable libdca: add libdca-dev to build depends and --enable-libdca
   * install the x264 plugin.
   Changes already in the pkg-multimedia branch in debian:
   * don't install usr/share/vlc/mozilla in debian/mozilla-plugin-vlc.install
   * new upstream .desktop file now registers flash video mimetype LP: #261567
   * add Xb-Npp-Applications to mozilla-plugin-vlc
   * remove duplicate entries in debian/vlc-nox.install
 vlc (0.9.2-1) experimental; urgency=low
   [ Christophe Mutricy ]
   * New upstream release
     + Soname changed
     + Bugs fixed upstream: Closes: #487646,  #298150, #325069, #392292,
       #458004, #470903, #458004, #423121
     + new upstream fixes various crasher bugs reported in ubuntu:
       LP: #189575, #113927, #103741, #111615, #107899, #112076, #198916, 221428,
           #91679, #96978, #123589, #133528, #231621, #259025
     + plays files with '+' in its name, LP: #239431, #217305
     + New packages: libvlccore0, libvlccore-dev, vlc-plugin-pulse
      (Closes: #471069)
     + Build-depends on libswsale-dev, libshout3-dev, libxpm-dev,
       zlib1g-dev, liblua5.1-0-dev, libschroedinger-dev, libtag1-dev,
       libqt4-dev, libqt4-dev-tools and pkg-config. (Closes: #461324)
     + time display no longer incomplete, LP: #193445
     + fixed volume bar behavior, LP: #250041
     + shout support closes LP: #127594, #84098,
     + Install new modules:
       - vlc-nox: alphamask, blendbench, bluescreen, canvas, cc, cdg, chain,
         colorthres, croppadd, dynamicoverlay, erase, faad, gaussianblur, grain,
         inhibit, lua, memcpy*, mmap, osd_parser, puzzle, remoteosd, rtmp,
         schroedinger, sharpen, stats, subusf, t140, telepathy, v4l2, vmem
       - vlc: qt4
       - vlc-plugin-jack: access_jack
     + Distribute the .pc for libvlc and vlc-plugin (Closes: #289507)
     + Remove wx interface and glide plugin as they've been dropped by upstream
       LP: #205325, #88487, #90603, #150380
     + The Python and java bindings are no longer part of the upstream tarballs
       (Closes: #469011)
     + Temporarly disable libdca module until a pkg with the new
       API get in unstable
     + Delete or refresh patches
     + New patches:
         - 052_as-needed taken from bug #347650 to teach libtool about
   * Install the skins DTD and the default skins it's only 113kB
   * Improve watch file
   * Add a vlc-data package for /usr/share  (13 MB)
   * Add a vlc-dbg package (Closes: #491564)
   * Sort vlc.install and vlc-nox.install
   [ Mohammed Adnène Trojette ]
   * Add myself to Uploaders.
   * debian/control:
     + Add proper conflicts/replaces to vlc-data with mozilla-plugin-vlc.
     + Add proper conflicts/replaces to vlc with vlc-nox.
 vlc (0.8.6.i-2) experimental; urgency=high
   [ Loic Minier ]
   * Fix changelog entries for 0.8.6.h-2 and 0.8.6.h-3.
   * Bump up Standards-Version to 3.8.0.
   [ Christophe Mutricy ]
   * Security: Fix integer overflow in mms module (CVE-2008-3794)
     (Closes: #496265)(407-mms-overflow.diff taken from upstream)
   [ Sam Hocevar ]
   * debian/patches/300_manpage_syntax.diff: fix vlc-config.1 syntax.
 vlc (0.8.6.i-1) experimental; urgency=low
   * New upstream release.
     - Refresh patch 010_iceape and change it to only patch the name of the .pc
       files, keep using FIREFOX_CFLAGS and _LIBS etc. as to allow us to only
       run autoconf, not automake.
     - Drop patch 401-CVE-2008-2430, merged upstream.
     - Update and rename patch 050_bootstrap to 900_autoconf.
 vlc (0.8.6.h-3) unstable; urgency=low
   * Minor cleanups.
   * Use DEB_HOST_ARCH instead of DEB_BUILD_ARCH in rules.
   * Use objdump -x instead of ldd to check for links on libX11 as ldd might
     resolve libvlc to the system's version if the system has libvlc installed;
     closes: #495730.
 vlc (0.8.6.h-2) unstable; urgency=high
   * Fix integer overflow in TTA (CVE-2008-3732) (405-CVE-2008-3732.diff)
   * Fix crashes in Live555 (406-live555-crash.diff)
   * Switch to libdc1394-22-dev (Closes: #484695)
 d72486441bc6f096a31b64e26e5798c145e41ed4 3218 vlc_0.9.2-1ubuntu1.dsc
 88607297325ea7fbb3f3987e2e2ff26d9a914da0 22075961 vlc_0.9.2.orig.tar.gz
 2f4ab22fad9c0426b8930d7dcac62fcf8a595dfd 44137 vlc_0.9.2-1ubuntu1.diff.gz
 93227aa3e78d0b0c2359b615fa7a4f42123d5d3d7b6e0d383f0e32f05b877d6e 3218 vlc_0.9.2-1ubuntu1.dsc
 173c6a22836b165ebcd6e685167208a42a37d65275138c1f8efc6dd8ff688648 22075961 vlc_0.9.2.orig.tar.gz
 40f3ba87e75b69b971d010f3a84c825ce9f5840901ed3a90aa5eba26a47720af 44137 vlc_0.9.2-1ubuntu1.diff.gz
 ea487b9cbc3dd5a6a510772416ac07f4 3218 graphics optional vlc_0.9.2-1ubuntu1.dsc
 4062c27e735fba3b871a325ccf4858d4 22075961 graphics optional vlc_0.9.2.orig.tar.gz
 fcc27d9dab4055a4cdcbb35430bf1bd3 44137 graphics optional vlc_0.9.2-1ubuntu1.diff.gz

Version: GnuPG v1.4.9 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: Debian Powered!


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