Accepted: usb-creator 0.1.3 (source)

Evan Dandrea evand at
Tue Sep 16 08:35:15 BST 2008

 OK: usb-creator_0.1.3.tar.gz
 OK: usb-creator_0.1.3.dsc
     -> Component: universe Section: admin

Hash: SHA1

Format: 1.8
Date: Tue, 16 Sep 2008 03:29:55 -0400
Source: usb-creator
Binary: usb-creator
Architecture: source
Version: 0.1.3
Distribution: intrepid
Urgency: low
Maintainer: Evan Dandrea <evand at>
Changed-By: Evan Dandrea <evand at>
 usb-creator - Ubuntu USB desktop image creator
Launchpad-Bugs-Fixed: 267788 269032 269032 269035 269044 269048 269767 270530
 usb-creator (0.1.3) intrepid; urgency=low
   [ Evan Dandrea ]
   * Added a man page for usb-creator.8.
   * UI reworking after discussions with mpt.  Thanks Matthew.
     - The labels are far less wordy.
     - Enabling persistence is now an explict option button selection rather
       than implicitly enabled when the slider is moved to a value greater
       than 0.
     - There are now two treeviews, instead of the previous comboboxes, that
       update automatically to reflect changes to the device's structure, and
       provide warnings when a device is either unusable or require the user
       to delete some files to free up space before continuing.
   * Fixed the left-alignment of labels thanks to a tip from Colin Watson.
   * Merged the separate CD and ISO lists into the CD list in the backend.
   * Replaced the log-output backed command wrapper with a simpler solution
     (LP: #269044).
   * Now logging to ~/.usb-creator.log instead of just stdout.
   * Moved the persistence code from the backend to scripts/ and
     wired up the persistence scale in the frontend.
   * The backend now reports the task description in addition to the progress
   * A failure dialog is now shown when scripts/ exits non-zero
     (LP: #269035).
   * Mount the target device at install time if it has not already been
     mounted (LP: #269032).
   * Properly set the labels of the progress dialog on install startup.
   * Do not make the dialogs modal.
   * Elevate privileges using gksu.
   * Added a .desktop file (LP: #267788).
   * Work around a bug in syslinux wherein it can only find the configuration
     file for the option labels in the root of the device.
   * Handle devices with empty partition tables.
   * Automatically mount (and unmount) partitions (LP: #269032).
   * Fixed missing Debian dependencies (LP: #269767).
   * UI Freeze exception upload (LP: #270530).
   [ Colin Watson ]
   * Avoid executing commands via the shell (LP: #269048).
 fa3750c87555c76bc8ca0889386a3511a3fc3776 787 usb-creator_0.1.3.dsc
 e5b10ad73aeb30ea0edcd67b94baa67dfe535816 16092 usb-creator_0.1.3.tar.gz
 b79155b514bf5b176c2591794d1bd07f60f82301057ada3a39c64849fd15aa22 787 usb-creator_0.1.3.dsc
 3f066f11d84c526410a65965a827bfd1d15bd37ae87c156762b401f04cb0c317 16092 usb-creator_0.1.3.tar.gz
 e4c596bf9e9fe9c4c49f7aa7f4228039 787 admin optional usb-creator_0.1.3.dsc
 506354a28012d28598a18d0f190a5cd4 16092 admin optional usb-creator_0.1.3.tar.gz

Version: GnuPG v1.4.9 (GNU/Linux)


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