Accepted: kazehakase 0.5.4-2 (source)
Ubuntu Installer
archive at
Fri May 30 09:14:40 BST 2008
OK: kazehakase_0.5.4.orig.tar.gz
OK: kazehakase_0.5.4-2.diff.gz
OK: kazehakase_0.5.4-2.dsc
-> Component: universe Section: web
Origin: Debian/unstable
Format: 1.7
Date: Fri, 30 May 2008 08:33:26 +0100
Source: kazehakase
Binary: kazehakase, kazehakase-gecko, kazehakase-webkit
Architecture: source
Version: 0.5.4-2
Distribution: intrepid
Urgency: high
Maintainer: Hidetaka Iwai <tyuyu at>
Changed-By: Miguel Ruiz <mruiz at>
kazehakase - GTK+-base web browser that allows pluggable rendering engines
Closes: 430613 454107 460742 465967 466934 469784 470088 474858 477755 478128 478691
kazehakase (0.5.4-2) unstable; urgency=low
* Add a Replaces: kazehakase to kazehakase-gecko, as the older version of
kazehakase also has a (closes: #477755).
* Fix package descriptions (closes: #478128).
* Stop kazehakase rendering engines from depending upon kazehakase, thereby
eliminating a circular dependency (closes: #478691).
kazehakase (0.5.4-1) unstable; urgency=low
* New upstream release.
* Upstream release fixes FTBFS with gcc-4.3 (closes: #474858).
* Add webkit support, which means libwebkit-dev as a build-dep,
an updated description, and kazehakase-gecko/kazehakase-webkit
packages (closes: #470088).
kazehakase (0.5.3-1) unstable; urgency=low
* New upstream release (closes: #469784).
* Upstream included implicit-pointer-conversion patch (closes: #466934).
* Upstream also fixed a bug that was triggering a crash when opening
up the prefs window (closes: #465967, #454107).
* Drop 80_NSIBADCERTLISTNER; merged upstream.
kazehakase (0.5.2-1) unstable; urgency=high
* New upstream release (closes: #430613).
* Add myself as a co-maintainer. I was originally going to just NMU,
but I don't feel right about NMU'ing a new upstream version.
* Add a versioned build-dep for libgtk2.0-dev (>= 2.12.0).
* ACK NMU (closes: #460742).
* Drop libtool and automake1.7 build-deps, and no longer regenerate
autotools scripts during build. It's no longer necessary.
* Update 20_user_agent_tag.dpatch for the new location/file.
* Rediff 50_passwordmgr.dpatch.
* No longer use 05_add_missing.dpatch or 70_enable_gtk_deprecated.dpatch.
* Add build-dep on libxml-parser-perl.
* Add missing --with-ruby to configure line in rules file; necessary
for telling the build that the ruby interpreter is named 'ruby1.8'.
* Don't ignore 'make distclean' errors. This pleases lintian.
* Don't run dh_makeshlibs during build. is in a
private directory, makeshlibs does nothing for us.
* Update debian/copyright; add copyright lines, include the MPL
exception clause, etc.
* Update menu to show up as 'Kazehakase Web Browser' (and stick it in
the proper section).
* Fix other minor lintian warnings.
* Add patches/80_NSIBADCERTLISTNER.dpatch to fix a bug with the wrong
certificate dialog coming up on domain mismatches.
ebb93f0395859e7e3737e206ca9c37cd 40964 web optional kazehakase_0.5.4-2.diff.gz
75f8afb9ddf4493c3a1fb4eb38a044df 1403194 web optional kazehakase_0.5.4.orig.tar.gz
5e86003960b0f1a54ef600ad2167db6e 1265 web optional kazehakase_0.5.4-2.dsc
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