Accepted: policykit 0.8-1ubuntu1 (source)

James Westby james.westby at
Tue May 20 17:00:14 BST 2008

 OK: policykit_0.8.orig.tar.gz
 OK: policykit_0.8-1ubuntu1.diff.gz
 OK: policykit_0.8-1ubuntu1.dsc
     -> Component: main Section: admin

Hash: SHA1

Format: 1.7
Date: Tue, 13 May 2008 10:29:24 +0100
Source: policykit
Binary: policykit policykit-doc libpolkit2 libpolkit-dev libpolkit-dbus2 libpolkit-dbus-dev libpolkit-grant2 libpolkit-grant-dev
Architecture: source
Version: 0.8-1ubuntu1
Distribution: intrepid
Urgency: medium
Maintainer: Ubuntu Core Developers <ubuntu-devel-discuss at>
Changed-By: James Westby <james.westby at>
 libpolkit-dbus-dev - library for accessing PolicyKit via D-Bus - development files
 libpolkit-dbus2 - library for accessing PolicyKit via D-Bus
 libpolkit-dev - library for accessing PolicyKit - development files
 libpolkit-grant-dev - library for obtaining privileges via PolicyKit - development file
 libpolkit-grant2 - library for obtaining privileges via PolicyKit
 libpolkit2 - library for accessing PolicyKit
 policykit  - framework for managing administrative policies and privileges
 policykit-doc - documentation for PolicyKit
Closes: 476615
Launchpad-Bugs-Fixed: 232227
 policykit (0.8-1ubuntu1) intrepid; urgency=low
   * Merge from debian unstable (LP: #232227), remaining changes:
     - debian/patches/ubuntu-admin-group.patch: Change PolicyKit.conf to use
       'admin' as administrator group, instead of the 'root' user. Also
       grant all permissions to root, since root is not in the admin group and
       is already almighty anyway. This unbreaks running tools like g-s-t as
     - debian/policykit.init: Create /var/run/PolicyKit if it does not exist.
       This happens if /var/run is on a tmpfs. Install it in debian/rules.
     - Add Breaks: policykit (<< 0.7) to libpolkit2.
     - debian/policykit.postinst: Drop the dpkg-statoverride and chown
       operations for /var/run/PolicyKit. /var/run is a tmpfs and thus
       volatile, stat overrides do not make sense on it, and it's the init
       script's job to properly set up the directory.
   * Disable debian/patches/02_noptrace.patch for now, since it prevents us
     from collecting crash reports for gnome-panel and other PK-using
     applications. This will be re-enabled again just before the intrepid
   * Drop debian/patches/03_readdir_filetype_unknown.patch as it is
     now fixed upstream.
   * Drop debian/patches/10_format-string-security.patch as it is now
     fixed upstream.
   * debian/policykit.postinst: change the permissions applied to some
     files to match what is now required upstream:
     - /var/lib/PolicyKit - Now owned by polkituser:polkituser and mode 770
     - /var/lib/PolicyKit-public - Now owned by polkituser and mode 755
     - /var/lib/misc/PolicyKit.reload - Now owned by polkituser and mode 755
     - /usr/lib/policykit/polkit-set-default-helper - Now owned by polkituser
       and mode 4755.
     - /usr/lib/policykit/polkit-resolve-exe-helper - Now in group polkituser
       and mode 4755
 policykit (0.8-1) unstable; urgency=medium
   * New upstream release.
     - SECURITY - CVE-2008-1658:
       Fixes format string vulnerability in the grant helper. (Closes: #476615)
   * debian/control
     - Add Build-Depends on pkg-config.
 48bc3438edb8a113153fbf6ee8cfb0c7 1293 admin optional policykit_0.8-1ubuntu1.dsc
 5c1a4445dbd5cb853132766c5d0ab336 1226699 admin optional policykit_0.8.orig.tar.gz
 771664356ae50c70761680d588a7b077 6833 admin optional policykit_0.8-1ubuntu1.diff.gz
Original-Maintainer: Utopia Maintenance Team <pkg-utopia-maintainers at>

Version: GnuPG v1.4.6 (GNU/Linux)


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