Accepted: amarok 2: (source)

Harald Sitter apachelogger at
Fri Jun 27 14:00:55 BST 2008

 OK: amarok_1.4.9.1.orig.tar.gz
 OK: amarok_1.4.9.1-2ubuntu1.diff.gz
 OK: amarok_1.4.9.1-2ubuntu1.dsc
     -> Component: main Section: kde

Hash: SHA1

Format: 1.8
Date: Wed, 25 Jun 2008 21:16:38 +0200
Source: amarok
Binary: amarok amarok-common amarok-engines amarok-engine-xine amarok-engine-yauap amarok-dbg
Architecture: source
Version: 2:
Distribution: intrepid
Urgency: medium
Maintainer: Ubuntu Core developers <ubuntu-devel-discuss at>
Changed-By: Harald Sitter <apachelogger at>
 amarok     - versatile and easy to use audio player for KDE
 amarok-common - architecture independent files for Amarok
 amarok-dbg - debugging symbols for Amarok
 amarok-engine-xine - xine engine for the Amarok audio player
 amarok-engine-yauap - Yauap engine for the Amarok audio player
 amarok-engines - output engines for the Amarok music player
Closes: 368485 368840 403340 421420 432219 432752 434835 445371 457352 474186 479068
 amarok (2: intrepid; urgency=low
   * Merge with Debian, remaining changes in debian/KUBUNTU-DEBIAN-DIFFERENCES
 amarok ( unstable; urgency=medium
   * Add 15_temptables_more_indices.diff patch which creates more indices for
     some temporary tables that are used extensively while building collection
     database. Apparently, SQLite 3.5.x is slower than 3.4.x when doing
     matches on unindexed temporary table fields. This should solve (or improve
     situation significantly) major performance problems with SQLite 3.5.x
     (Closes: #479068). Urgency medium because this problem affects many
     lenny and sid Amarok users having rather large (15k+ songs) collections.
 amarok ( unstable; urgency=low
   * New upstream bugfix release:
     - The dialog did not always properly disable options when the
       username was not entered.
     - Fix Amazon Cover fetching by using their new web service api.
       (Closes: #474186)
     - Don't insert items into Dynamic Mode that don't exist.
     - If unavailable tracks are in the Playlist and random mode is on, don't
     - stop those tracks if selected; continue with available tracks.
   * Repackage original tarball as orig.tar.gz instead of doing tarball-in-orig
     tarball thing. The previous way made patch testing and debugging more
     painful unnecessarily.
   * Resynchronize patches:
     - 11_bug403340_cancel_rename_when_deleting_items.diff - fix offsets.
     - 97_automake_cleanup.diff - adopt to upstream changes, fix offsets.
   * Improve debian/rules stamp-automake and clean targets a bit not to rm
     automake generated files uselessly (if they were not regenerated)
 amarok (1.4.8-2) unstable; urgency=low
   * Remove Adeodato Simó from Uploaders by his request. Thank you Adeodato for
     all your hard work!
   * Remove amarok-gstreamer.install because there is no gstreamer engine
   * Remove overrides/amarok-arts. arts engine is no longer available.
   * Drop internal cdbs/ in favour of the one shipped with cdbs. Merge
     missing functionality (cvs-make/automake) into debian/rules.
   * Auto-guess automake /usr/share directory.
   * Rework interdependences among amarok and its engines' packages:
     - Drop amarok-engine virtual package. Amarok and its engines ABI are not
       even compatible between Amarok point releases so virtual package, which,
       unfortunately, is versionless by definition, is not practical here.
     - Rename engine packages to amarok-engine-$engine. Make them conflict
       and replace previous amarok-$engine packages. Also make amarok conflict
       with amarok-engine virtual package. All these changes will ensure that
       partial upgrades from etch are not allowed (Closes: #432219).
     - Make amarok depend on any of its engines of the same binary version
       via alternate dependences. Default engine is amarok-engine-xine. Edit
       amarok-engine-xine description accordingly.
     - Make all amarok engines recommend amarok strictly of the same binary
       version. Recommends instead of Depends here breaks circular dependency
       (Closes: #368485).
     - Downgrade amarok-engines to amarok Suggests.
     - Convert amarok-engines package to arch:all because it's a metapackage.
       Edit amarok-engines description because it's no longer going to be
       installed by default.
     - Add amarok-yauap to amarok-engines Suggests.
   * New binary packages:
     - amarok-common - arch:all package for architecture independent files
       split from amarok. It recommends amarok (>= ${source:Version}) to
       avoid circular dependency as in case of stricter "Depends" relationship.
     - amarok-konqsidebar - split konqsidebar into its own binary package. The
       reason for this is that it's incompatible with konqueror (>= 4:4.0.0)
       and needs to _conflict_ with it (due to *.desktop files). Add
       amarok-konqsidebar to amarok Recommends and amarok to amarok-konqsidebar
     - amarok-dbg - package with debugging symbols (Closes: #368840).
     - amarok-engine-yauap - Yauap Commandline Audio Player engine
       (Closes: #445371):
       * Add libdbus-qt-1-dev to Build-Depends
       * Pass --with-yauap to configure
       * Add amarok-yauap.install
       * Depend on yauap.
   * Add "Homepage" field to debian/control source section, remove homepage
     reference from amarok binary package description.
   * Disable /usr/share/doc/amarok-* symlinks in debian/rules. They just
     complicate packaging unnecessarily and make lintian unhappy.
   * Ship only README from upstream source in /usr/share/doc/amarok.
   * debian/README.Debian: remove a note about installing ruby, because it's
     a dependency and gets installed anyway.
   * New patches:
     - 01_libtool_update.diff - use and from Debian
       libtool. This patch is used instead of previous `cp` in debian/rules,
       because the patch 02_ below depends on it.
     - 02_admin_cleanup.diff - admin/* cleanup patch.
     - 97_automake_cleanup.diff - automake cleanup patch to get rid of excess
       dependencies and shut dpkg-shlibdeps up. Superseeds previous
       03_no_libadd_in_convenience_libs.diff patch.
     - 11_bug403340_cancel_rename_when_deleting_items.diff - cancel a pending
       'rename' request for the playlist item that is about to be deleted.
        The patch solves a popular crash. (Closes: #403340).
     - 12_devicemanager_dcopcall_no_timeout.diff - do not use timeout for dcop
       calls. It's very unsafe because it might break further dcop calls such
       as the one in the debian bug #432752 (Closes: #432752).
     - 13_lastfm_crash_434835.diff - resolve lastfm crash which could be
       triggered by switching away from lastfm track while it was still
       handshaking or buffering (Closes: #434835). Thanks to Raphael for the
       excelent instructions how to reproduce the crash.
     - 14_ruby_libs_not_scripts.diff - remove #! stanzas from ruby library
   * Prepend sequence number to the filenames of existing debian/patches/*.
     Edit debian/patches/series accordingly.
   * Move Depends/Recommends on ruby, python & friends from amarok to
     amarok-common since they scripts have been moved here.
   * Add moodbar to amarok Suggests (Closes: #421420). Tweak amarok package
     description accordingly.
   * Add DM-Upload-Allowed: yes to debian/control source section.
   * s/XS-Vcs/Vcs/ in debian/control.
   * Drop DEB_DH_SHLIBDEPS_ARGS_amarok from debian/rules. No longer needed with
     recent dpkg-shlibdeps.
   * Build-Depend on debhelper (>= 5.0.0)
   * Add executable permissions for some amarok scripts to make lintian happy.
   * s/.NF/.nf/ in debian/amarok.1
   * Drop DEB_INSTALL_DIRS_amarok from debian/rules. No longer needed.
   * Use more accurate method to exclude (-X) amarok engines from being handled
     by dh_makeshlibs instead of just DEB_DH_MAKESHLIBS_ARGS_ALL = -n.
   * Do not amarok.install /usr/lib/ and /usr/lib/
     They are devel-only and, hence, useless in the private library like
     libamarok case.
   * Install *.lintian files with overrides.
   * Add manual pages: amarokapp.1 amarokcollectionscanner.1 amarok_libvisual.1
   * Do not install COPYING files which are present in some script directories.
     Also remove useless (according to lintian) MacOS X resource fork file
   * Exclude amarok from amarok-engine-* packages dependency lists.
 amarok (1.4.8-1) unstable; urgency=low
   [ Adeodato Simó ]
   * Build against libgpod-nogtk-dev.
   * Update Build-Standards to 3.7.3:
     + move menu entry to Applications/Sound.
   * Build-depend on automake instead of automake1.9.
   [ Modestas Vainius ]
   * Add myself as maintainer with the permission from Adeodato Simó.
   * Add Adeodato Simó as uploader.
   * debian/control: drop Vcs-Bazaar field. amarok debian packaging is
     now hosted at kde-extras svn repo therefore I'm adding appropriate
     XS-Vcs-Svn and XS-Vcs-Browser fields.
   * New upstream release (1.4.8) (Closes: #457352).
   * Resync patches:
     - proxy_lyrics.diff - removed, merged upstream.
     - fix_gcc4.3_ftbfs.diff - removed, resolved upstream.
   * Drop kdemultimedia-dev from Build-Depends. It's no longer needed.
   * debian/rules: use /usr/share/automake-1.10 instead of *-1.9
     because 'automake' package provides version 1.10.
 707eb358e29997e4e2bcf339ac71a023f0c3f95a 1683 amarok_1.4.9.1-2ubuntu1.dsc
 f491525bc2a8b83ed92abff0977ba60c00add17c 380670 amarok_1.4.9.1-2ubuntu1.diff.gz
 e6a90372d9d47f8ccbaed25dc342fc6d6f6f029ac6f1fda80a37435ad1c06a0e 1683 amarok_1.4.9.1-2ubuntu1.dsc
 b9488d0edc758d445075403241d8c3a684f511e68f1a6dee252a41beb5959d5e 380670 amarok_1.4.9.1-2ubuntu1.diff.gz
 22c220920aa4cbbc06741d3358e7ebc8 1683 kde optional amarok_1.4.9.1-2ubuntu1.dsc
 1c3cb2ac710ed712a392da6d2868112c 380670 kde optional amarok_1.4.9.1-2ubuntu1.diff.gz
Original-Maintainer: Modestas Vainius <modestas at>

Version: GnuPG v1.4.6 (GNU/Linux)


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