Accepted: moblin-applets 0.66-0ubuntu1 (source)

Steve Kowalik stevenk at
Wed Aug 13 07:50:22 BST 2008

 OK: moblin-applets_0.66.orig.tar.gz
 OK: moblin-applets_0.66-0ubuntu1.diff.gz
 OK: moblin-applets_0.66-0ubuntu1.dsc
     -> Component: universe Section: utils

Hash: SHA1

Format: 1.7
Date: Wed, 13 Aug 2008 16:29:49 +1000
Source: moblin-applets
Binary: moblin-applets
Architecture: source
Version: 0.66-0ubuntu1
Distribution: intrepid
Urgency: low
Maintainer: Ubuntu Mobile Developers <ubuntu-mobile at>
Changed-By: Steve Kowalik <stevenk at>
 moblin-applets - Control/status panel applets for moblin
 moblin-applets (0.66-0ubuntu1) intrepid; urgency=low
   * Repack to be non-native, targetting Intrepid.
   * Based on the package in the ubuntu-mobile PPA, including:
     - Added gconf changes in postinst for both root and ume
     - chown -R ume:ume /home/ume/.gconf so user can read it
     - Clean up the postinst and postrm scripts.
       + Add set -e.
       + Add #DEBHELPER# tags, and remove bits that look to be autogenerated.
       + Guard the user ume gconf bits in the postinst.
     - Add -u to the dh_installinit calls.
     - Drop the Depends on libmokoui2-0.
     - Add a Depends on hicolor-icon-theme, the icons live there.
   * Munge Maintainer to Ubuntu Mobile Developers.
   * Add a patch that fixes so autobork is happy again.
 moblin-applets (0.65-0ubuntu1) hardy; urgency=low
   * Changed the postinst script to edit the gtk_theme and icon_theme
     keys for ume user instead of root.
   * Added some default background images for the backgruonds applet
   * BUG: Non photo files can be added to wallpaper list
     FIX: the problem was in the filter, it was a dumb little
     programming mistake. It now filters on these types (like it should
     have all along):
         ".jpg", ".jpeg", ".gif", ".png", ".bmp"
 moblin-applets (0.64-0ubuntu1) hardy; urgency=low
   * Added two lines to the postinst script which will change the
     default values of /desktop/gnome/interface/icon_theme and
     /desktop/gnome/interface/gtk_theme to gnome and mobilebasic
   * Upgraded the Background Applet. The applet now lists the available
     images as fast as possible. It takes about 1 second to list 4000
     photos with just the name of the file and the text "Thumbnail
     loading...". It then spawns a background thread which actually
     reads each of the files and generates the description info (the
     image typ, it's dimensions, etc) and the thumbnail. Therefore the
     user can set the background or color immediately without having
     to wait. After about 20 seconds (first run) and 10 seconds (cached
     run) the thumbnail and description for each item is put in the
     list and the user can now peruise the thumbnails as well as the
     image names.
   * BUG: Cannot view thumbnail of wallpapers
     FIX: Changed the gnome_thumbnail_factory_generate_thumbnail
     function in wp-item.c to gdk_pixbuf_new_from_file_at_size. The
     thumbnails now load just as fast as they did in GASTON
 moblin-applets (0.63-0ubuntu1) hardy; urgency=low
   * BUG: The Theme Setting still no function inside the "Setting" application
     FIX: I found one remaining bug with this in moblin-settings-daemon. Changes
     to the gtk_theme and icon_theme gconf keys do trigger callbacks in
     moblin-settings-daemon during runtime which are then propagated to
     xsettings. However, when the daemon is first started, it doesn't propagate
     the *initial* gconf key values to xsettings. Therefore a theme change
     doesn't appear to survive a reboot. The problem was that I inserted code
     which set the screen resolution/rotation just before the xsettings code,
     and it returned when the gconf keys for resolution/rotation were both NULL
     (thus skipping the xsettings code). I've fixed this. The easiest way to
     verify is as follows:
     The nm-applet plugin has an icon on the marquee which changes depending on
     the type of connection, but it also changes based on the theme. The
     /desktop/gnome/interface/icon_theme key controls what the base icon set
     will be for this applet, and the two themes that I switch between to test
     are Human and hicolor. When you have a wired connection with the Human
     theme, the icon appears to be two little computer monitors representing a
     "network". When you have a wired connection with the hicolor theme, the
     icon appears as the connector at the end of an ethernet cable. You can
     switch back and forth to see the two icons with the following commands:
     NOTE: you must be logged in as user ume: "su ume".
     1) gconftool-2 --type "string" --set "/desktop/gnome/interface/icon_theme" "Human"
     2) gconftool-2 --type "string" --set "/desktop/gnome/interface/icon_theme" "hicolor"
     Now the default for the system is "hicolor", so if no xsettings are
     propogated at all (i.e. the icon_theme key is ignored), the nm-applet will
     startup with the hicolor icon. Try setting the theme to Human and
     rebooting. Prior to 0.62, the icon would still be hicolor, but with 0.63
     it should change to Human.
 moblin-applets (0.62-0ubuntu1) hardy; urgency=low
   * Changed the moblin-touchdump and moblin-system-daemon binaries
     to pull in linux/input.h for the event and code values. There
     appears to be some discrepency between the alt_abs_x/y values and
     what's defined in input.h, but since the xorg evtouch driver also
     compensates for this I'm not too worried.
   * BUG: Too many volume button presses causes problems
     FIX: Moblin-settings-daemon adds a gdk window filter which
     listens for the keyboard shortcuts like the volume controls. I
     added a check to see if the function is already in use, and if
     it recieves another recognizable keypress it removes it from the
     gdk processing queue. That way nothing will get jumbled.
 moblin-applets (0.61-0ubuntu1) hardy; urgency=low
   * Fixed a bug where if you boot up with no battery and then
     insert it after the GUI is up, the battery applet doesn't
     detect the insertion. This is now fixed.
 moblin-applets (0.60-0ubuntu1) hardy; urgency=low
   * Added support to moblin-system-daemon to use the same procedure
     that gnome-system-tools 2.22.0 uses to validate with policy kit
     to gain access to the system backends. Thus far this has proven
     not to work. The tentative solution is to just get rid of
     moblin-time and install gnome-system-tools in its stead.
   * BUG: battery applet crashes when clicked and battery isn't full
     FIX: The offending code is in sapplets/battery/battery-applet.c in
     the get_charge_time function. It does a search for to find a match
     for the charge unit string it recieved when it read the
     battery.charge_level.unit property in the battery namespace. This
     code doesn't take into account the case where the charge_unit
     returned is actually NULL. The HAL 0.5.10 spec says that this
     property is optional, so it was an error to assume that it would
     exist in all cases. There is an if statement guarding the strcasecmp
   * BUG: battery applet does not detect removal / insertion of battery
     FIX: In gutsy, the HAL daemon reacted to the better being removed
     and reinserted by triggering the PropertyModified callback for the
     battery device the applet is connected to. In Hardy, removing the
     battery apparantly removes the entire device object for the
     battery, and reinserting it adds it back in. Therefor the
     PropertyModified callback was no longer being triggered and the
     applet didn't detect anything when the batter device was gone. I
     added two callbacks for the DeviceAdded and DeviceRemoved events in
     the device manager namespace. These calls are triggered as expected
     and the applet icon now updates just as it did in gutsy.
 moblin-applets (0.59-0ubuntu1) hardy; urgency=low
   * Added a fix to the library which is used by both
     moblin-settings-daemon and the brightness applet. The fix allows it
     to ignore calls to its functions if the dbus connection to hald has
 moblin-applets (0.58) hardy; urgency=low
   * Changed moko to libmokoui2
 moblin-applets (0.57) hardy; urgency=low
   * BUG: Brightness control no longer works under Hardy
     FIX: I changed the libbrightnesscontrol code to read the value of
     the laptop_panel.num_levels value in the HAL laptop_panel
     namespace. This value is the number of discrete brightness levels,
     and the new behavior seems to be that the actual levels are
     0-num_levels-1. I updated the libbrightnessconrol library and the
     brightness applet and moblin-settings-daemon (which sets the
     brightness for shortcut keys). It appears to work well now.
 moblin-applets (0.56) hardy; urgency=low
   * BUG: [Hardy+PPA]:Click Keyboard applets cause desktop restart
     FIX: I completely removed all redundant code that we no longer use
     and changed the behavior of the keyboard applet to use gconf
     instead of the .xml file in the user's home dir. The next step is
     to update matchbox-keyboard-manager to listen to the gconf change
     instead of the .xml file.
 2f373c48411962b763421d63d5020a42 1796 utils extra moblin-applets_0.66-0ubuntu1.dsc
 73f5581ecc096a8d66a46eb449db10a0 2981806 utils extra moblin-applets_0.66.orig.tar.gz
 f55c2a216fe9f1215e11eb362c39f0c0 25134 utils extra moblin-applets_0.66-0ubuntu1.diff.gz
Original-Maintainer: Todd Brandt <todd.e.brandt at>

Version: GnuPG v1.4.6 (GNU/Linux)


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