Accepted: amsn 0.97.2~debian-0ubuntu1 (source)
Adrien Cunin
adri2000 at
Tue Aug 5 16:20:19 BST 2008
OK: amsn_0.97.2~debian.orig.tar.gz
OK: amsn_0.97.2~debian-0ubuntu1.diff.gz
OK: amsn_0.97.2~debian-0ubuntu1.dsc
-> Component: universe Section: x11
Hash: SHA1
Format: 1.7
Date: Tue, 05 Aug 2008 17:10:29 +0200
Source: amsn
Binary: amsn amsn-data
Architecture: source
Version: 0.97.2~debian-0ubuntu1
Distribution: intrepid
Urgency: low
Maintainer: Ubuntu MOTU Developers <ubuntu-motu at>
Changed-By: Adrien Cunin <adri2000 at>
amsn - An MSN messenger written in Tcl
amsn-data - Data files for aMSN
Closes: 272741 461800 476666 478692 484206 484302 488850 490762
Launchpad-Bugs-Fixed: 99605 243722 249965
amsn (0.97.2~debian-0ubuntu1) intrepid; urgency=low
[ Adrien Cunin ]
* New upstream release
* Repacked tarball to .tar.gz and according to debian/README.Debian-source
* Keep the ~debian versioning scheme
* debian/patches/05_changing_sxml.dpatch: dropped, it's upstream
* debian/control: changed sox suggests to alsa-utils as we are now using
aplay (see below)
[ Devid Filoni ]
* Merge from Debian unstable (LP: #249965). Remaining Ubuntu changes:
- add 04_use_xdg-open.dpatch patch to use xdg-open as file manager
- add 05-disable_newVersionCheck.dpatch patch
+ debian/control:
- modify iceweasel to firefox in amsn Suggests field
- add xdg-utils to amsn Depends field
- don't merge 06-fix_makefile.dpatch patch because the debian package add
the commands in the debian/rules clean target
- dont' merge 07-fix_kde4_tray_icon.dpatch patch, merged upstream
- don't merge debian/amsn.desktop removal to reduce delta
* Add 08_use_aplay_for_sound.dpatch patch by Festor Wailon Dacoba to use
aplay to play sounds (LP: #99605).
* The new upstream version fixes LP: #243722 (login doesn't work).
amsn (0.97.1~debian-1) unstable; urgency=low
* New upstream release. (Closes: #488850)
* Bump Standards-Version to 3.8.0
* The circular dependency has been erased in this revision of aMSN.
amsn-data does not depend on amsn anymore. (Closes: #478692)
* The problem caused by a missing Replaces in amsn-data package has
been fixed in this new revision. (Closes: #484302)
* aMSN depends on tcl-tls instead of tcltls. (Closes: #484206, #490762)
amsn (0.97-3) unstable; urgency=low
* Bug: 'amsn: replace/conflict' has been fixed in this revision.
(Closes: #476666)
* Added a new preinst script to remove unneeded files from amsn-data
amsn (0.97-2) unstable; urgency=low
* Bug: 'Please disable new version notification' has been fixed in this new
revision of aMSN (Closes: #272741). Thanks to Marco Rodrigues for
providing a patch.
* Data files have been moved to a new amsn-data package.
* debian/rules: dh_desktop was added. (Closes: #461800).
* Desktop file has been improved to follow new standars.
* A manpage for amsn-remote has been done.
* Added preinst script to remove unneeded files from amsn package that has
been moved to amsn-data.
3bd1ed71d38cae36d2e89765f207f10e 782 x11 optional amsn_0.97.2~debian-0ubuntu1.dsc
8e48a8ac78c80889e0f2d779692fa39e 3702395 x11 optional amsn_0.97.2~debian.orig.tar.gz
6ecfb61cc4d903f0379b1d076336e10f 22130 x11 optional amsn_0.97.2~debian-0ubuntu1.diff.gz
Original-Maintainer: Muammar El Khatib <muammarelkhatib at>
Version: GnuPG v1.4.6 (GNU/Linux)
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