Accepted: moblin-media 0.38-0ubuntu1 (source)

Steve Kowalik stevenk at
Wed Apr 16 13:43:36 BST 2008

 OK: moblin-media_0.38.orig.tar.gz
 OK: moblin-media_0.38-0ubuntu1.diff.gz
 OK: moblin-media_0.38-0ubuntu1.dsc
     -> Component: universe Section: graphics

Hash: SHA1

Format: 1.7
Date: Wed, 16 Apr 2008 16:26:45 +1000
Source: moblin-media
Binary: moblin-media-sample-content moblin-media-import moblin-media
Architecture: source
Version: 0.38-0ubuntu1
Distribution: hardy
Urgency: low
Maintainer: Shen Cathy <cathy.shen at>
Changed-By: Steve Kowalik <stevenk at>
 moblin-media - Moblin media for Ubuntu Mobile and Embedded
 moblin-media-import - Moblin media import for Ubuntu Mobile and Embedded
 moblin-media-sample-content - sample content for Moblin media
 moblin-media (0.38-0ubuntu1) hardy; urgency=low
   * New upstream release.
     - FFe bug is #181150.
     - Repack without .git or debian directories.
   * Add in CDBS patch system.
   * Add a small patch to use libmokoui2, and change Build-Depends accordingly.
 moblin-media (0.38) hardy; urgency=low
   [ Rusty Lynch ]
   * Landing a fix for
     where an extra thumbnail icon will be added to an iconview after rotating
   * Landing fix for
     where USB host import would break on a system configured with the
     media files located on a vfat partition
   [ John L. Villalovos ]
   * Fix for bug this
     is an ugly hack and it would be better to not be mounting /mediasync/ as
     umask=000 in my opinion
   * Landing a fix for
     where an extra thumbnail icon will be added to an iconview after rotating
 moblin-media (0.37) gaston; urgency=low
   [ Rusty Lynch ]
   * Adding a fix for,
     where the media service is bubbling up empty meta data (tag data) values
     and as a result causing the titles of various music entries to become
   * Adding support for pls files
   * Fixing bug,
     where the initial drawing of a thumbnail view would contain what
     looks like empty rows
   * Adding support for persisting video/photo thumbnail size settings
   * Fixing bug,
     album art breakage
   * Fixing bug,
     where *.rm files were being treated as audio instead of videos
   * Fixing bug,
     where *.ram files were not being treated as audio files
   * Adding usbc mount point detection to the import utility
   * Adding support for the import utility to generate photo thumbnails
   * Changed the default configuration to enable video thumbnails
   [ John L. Villalovos ]
   * Have stuff use constant variables instead of hardcoded numbers in the code
   * Fix bug in full view photo rotate.  Was rotating in the wrong direction.
   * Fix from Prajwal, which when rotating a full view picture, the thumbnail
     will also get rotated.
   * Working with Prajwal, we now have it so that when you rotate the thumbnail
     it will also rotate the main image.
 moblin-media (0.36) gaston; urgency=low
   [ Bob Spencer ]
   * In photo and video, when item deleted next one is selected
   * Updated glade files.  Centered music playback graphic and text
   * Added "info" dialog method in utils
   * Added a couple strings in
   * Removed unused code in toolbar_view
   * Heavy changes to a tangled music_view.
   * Fixed return path for music.  Now going home and coming back will
     place you in the same mode you left, with toolbar correct
   * Fixed about.dlg.  made it fit for small screen
   [ Rusty Lynch ]
   * Fixed a bug where music playlist would stop if a song ended while
     the app was in video or photo view
   * Fixed bug
     where first-time-launch (without sample media installed), would not
     correctly intialize the media library directories, resulting in
     an uncaught exception.
 moblin-media (0.35) gaston; urgency=low
   [ Bob Spencer ]
   * Fixed case when album art is bad.  Updated missing album art image
   * Removed hidden directories under ~/.moblin-media
   * cleaned up constants
   * Cleaned up all the remaining refs to the defunct trash
     can functionality
   * In photo and video, when item deleted next one is selected
   [ John L. Villalovos ]
   * Removed hard-coding of display size.  Now using the
     gtk.gdk.screen_width()/gtk.gdk.screen_height() functions.
   * Fix for Bug #190755: Corrupt/Invalid photo's kill thumbnail creation
   [ Prajwal Mohan ]
   * Adding more stuff to unittest. Fixing the shuffle bug 190311
   [ Rusty Lynch ]
   * Changed photoview to no longer autostart a slideshow by touching the
     screen.  Now touching the screen (while not in a slideshow), will
     only go to fullscreen mode.  Touching the screen while in a
     slideshow will (as before) stop the slideshow and un-fullscreen
   * Landed memory footprint improvements for viewing a large number of
     thumbnail images, by removing the extra pixbuf in the iconview model
 moblin-media (0.34) gaston; urgency=low
   [ Bob Spencer ]
   * Removed unnecessary glade files after consolidating into
   * Updated settings dialog (fixed theme, reduced toolbar options)
   * Enabled OpenLocation dialog (had to fix widget names in
   * Changed text on error dialogs
   * Heavy top_menu changes to simplify and reduce number of lines of code
     Removed trash feature.
   * Fixed merge glitch in top_menu with HintWindow changes
   * Replaced confirm dialog in glade with gtk.MessageDialog in utils
   [ Prajwal Mohan ]
   * Adding basic unit test to make file
   * breaks the build. not using it for right now
   * enabling unit test
   * unit test not able to find the scr/*.py files
   [ Rusty Lynch ]
   * Adding il18n support
   * Added USB client support
 moblin-media (0.33) gaston; urgency=low
   [ Bob Spencer ]
   * Thumbnail generation optimized. Uses jpgs and in-memory bkgd image
   * Changed thumb background to transparent. Reduced size to 1/5
   * Commented out creation of lines around photos.  Can easily re-add
   * Consolodated all dialogs into single "" file
   [ Rusty Lynch ]
   * Fixed music player breakage in release 0.32
   * Removed dbus-launch logic that was added in version 0.32, with the
     intent that each of the media services should be creating their own
     session auto-launch scripts
   * Revamped the configuration implementation
      - Added support for a moblin-media gconf schema
      - Added gconf update listeners
      - Trimmed down the settings dialog
   * Removed the menu entries for fullscreen and show/hide labels
   * Revamped the toolbar popup implementation added in version 0.32 in
     favor of a much simpler implementation.  This new implementation:
      - Will only auto-return to full screen in video mode
      - Will simply toggle fullscreen on/off instead of keeping the app
        in fullscreen and show the bottom toolbar
      - Will automatically reset the timeout when the user interacts
        with the toolbar
   * Returned the previous touch-to-enter/leave-full screen behavior
     for both photo and video view modes
   * Added new configuration option to enable/disable requesting video
     thumbnails from the media service, with the default set to False
   [ Shane Bryan ]
   * Start saving photo rotatations to disk
 moblin-media (0.32) gaston; urgency=low
   * cutting v0.32 release to put into repository
 moblin-media (0.31) gaston; urgency=low
   [ Cathy Shen ]
   * fix after "open location...", UI will change to online music page
   * add progress bar click response function for music and video
   * add three flags for import update status
   * add service check when call stop function in
   * fix bug for can't display some song's metadata
   * fix bug after sort the music list, and go back to single music
     playback view, click "prev" or "next" button, the wrong music is
   * replace album art missing PNGs for music song and online music
   * fix some bugs in music, such as the now playing flag can't show
   * fix bug when play an invalid http music, the error dialog can't be
   * remove internetRadio under sample content
   * fix bug #187572, when play music can't play photo slide show at
     the same time
   * fix bug in command line, open location, launch from browse
   * fix bug in online music edit
   * fix album art size in music playback page
   * fix command line issue
   * add pop up toolbar for video playback and photo slide show
   * fix bug #164655, limit title length for online music
   * fix bug #186914, call service.close(), but not service.quit(), to
     finish current session with DBus, but not close engine DBus, this
     fasten the speed to playback music for the first time
   * fix bug when fail to get music infor from mutagen
   * fix bug #187569, when switch from fullscreen to un-fullscreen, the
     photo will be hiden below toolbar partly
   * fix bug #186970, when play video from browser, the video always
     show on left-up screen
   * fix bug, in video menu the fullscreen menu can't show correctly
   * cut a gaston release
   [ Donald Wei]
   * Fix the dependency issue to gstreamer in control file
 moblin-media (0.30) gaston; urgency=low
   * fix application version in about dialog
 moblin-media (0.29) gaston; urgency=low
   * fix bug when launch moblin-media without any music files
 moblin-media (0.28) gaston; urgency=low
   * change the "Name" to "Titile" in music playlist view
   * fix bug #177109, auto copy media sample content to media folders
   * change some theme images, such as resize bar
   * move progress bar to toolbar for video and music
   * remove from src folder and MakeFile
   * not allow to change playlist name of "All songs" and "Online Music"
   * fix bug #184970, incorrect dialog when delete a photo in single
   * fix bug #183954, not highlight text area when hide labels
   * fix a critical bug in load_button() in, which block
     launch moblin-media app in music mode
   * re-add fullscreen and unfullscreen button for photo slide show
     and video playback
   * add error code handle functionality in
   * re-merge yanan's branch for fullscreen buttons
   * remove unused png files from images folder
   * upgrade gstreamer-dbus-service dependent version to 0.1.13
   * fix bug #184972, update music playback page to be more attractive
   * fix bug, after open a non-exist online music file, can't playback
     music in local all song list
   * remove helix pump function from application
   * sync between UI and music information from engine
   * fix bug #183951, switch to photo single view when click selected
   * move shuffle and repeat button to music single view
   * fix bug when enter photo mode again, the selected photo can't open
     by single click
   * update button size in glade file according to theme image change
   * update AlbumArtMissing.png
   * auto refresh after import external media files
   * fix bug the edit in top menu doesn't work well
   * fix bug to support rm and ogg both in music and video mode
   * cut a gaston release
 moblin-media (0.27) gaston; urgency=low
   [ Yanan Dong ]
   * Filter file in three modes according to extending name
   [ Shen Cathy]
   * remove filelist for photo and video
   * fix bug when slideshow photo
   * fix bug for showing information dialog
   * code clean to remove unused update ui code
   * code clean to add comments for thumbnail
   * code clean to use lowcase for functions
   * code clean to remove unused code in music view
   [ Jack Zhu ]
   *  Add file:// protocol for local file, fix bug: 177844
   [ Liming Zhu ]
   * review and complete code clean to use lowcases
   [ Cathy Shen ]
   * add video and music back theme image
   * add menu for music
   * fix bug to add fake file to set window for helix thumbnail
   * add pure black for moko spring background
   * remove gstreamer related packages from control file
   * add moko version information in control file
   * fix bug in for missing function thumbnail_deselected
     and thumbnail_selected
   * fix bug #183099, when there is error dialog, UI will go to
     full screen
   * fix bug in for wrong spelling for "Cancel"
   * add import debian package into moblin-media project
     need to external detect storage card
   * add import folder and moblin-media-import.install file
   * change video single click function from button press to button
   * fix bug #177619, use one button for error dialog
   * fix a critical bug, after remove fullscreen feature for thumbnail,
     need to disable fullscreen in menu.
   * fix bug #164655, limit length of file name to 125
   * add "sort by..." hint window for sort
   * remove property and trash buttons from music single view and video
     playback page
   * upgrade dependence of hildon-theme-mobile-basic to v0.28
   * cut a gaston release
 moblin-media (0.26) gaston; urgency=low
   * code clean step 1: convert tab to 4 spaces
   * add repeat and shuffle function for music
   * sort music columns from treeview header
   * add resize bar for photo single view
   * change combo box to toggle button
   * fix duplicate URL issue for Online Music
   * split filelist and thumbnail instance between photo and video
   * split file index between photo and video
   * add frame for selected thumbnail
   * cut a 0.26 gaston release
 195d3c00a0e910933ce554d063039410 670 graphics optional moblin-media_0.38-0ubuntu1.dsc
 d0da3e37f48039bd0ff3625b1956fe79 10790218 graphics optional moblin-media_0.38.orig.tar.gz
 da7c8c397dbf22c1b4a81be71fe92a41 13030 graphics optional moblin-media_0.38-0ubuntu1.diff.gz

Version: GnuPG v1.4.6 (GNU/Linux)


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