[PATCH] Introduce IPMI BMC Info

Deb McLemore debmc at linux.vnet.ibm.com
Tue May 3 13:40:45 UTC 2016

Hi Jeremy, comments in-line below:

On 05/03/2016 02:58 AM, Jeremy Kerr wrote:
> Hi Deb,
>> This feature adds the foundation to perform an IPMI BMC Info
>> check that will determine if a Host is capable of
>> IPMI messaging and if so will perform a basic IPMI message
>> exchange to determine the version of IPMI running
>> on the hardware.  In the future the IPMI infrastructure
>> can be used to further interrogate the FRU Inventory and other
>> Sensors to help correlate data and surface any
>> discrepancies on inventory or hardware characteristics.
> Nice! A few comments:
>> +#include <unistd.h>
>> +
>> +#include "fwts.h"
>> +
>> +int fwts_bmc_info_check(
>> +	fwts_framework *fw)
>> +{
>> +	fwts_ipmi_rsp *fwts_bmc_info;
>> +	fwts_bmc_info = calloc(1, sizeof(fwts_ipmi_rsp));
> Do we need to calloc() that? Can we just use it directly from the stack
> instead?

Will fix, we did a bit of restructuring on the code, so will change to 
>> diff --git a/src/lib/src/fwts_firmware.c b/src/lib/src/fwts_firmware.c
>> index 5092ac9..6001cd5 100644
>> --- a/src/lib/src/fwts_firmware.c
>> +++ b/src/lib/src/fwts_firmware.c
>> @@ -32,6 +32,7 @@ static struct {
>>   } feature_names[] = {
>>   	{ FWTS_FW_FEATURE_DEVICETREE,	"devicetree" },
>>   };
>>   /*
>> @@ -63,14 +64,18 @@ int fwts_firmware_features(void)
>>   {
>>   	int features = 0;
>> -	/* we just have static feature definitions for now */
>> +	/* we check for IPMI presence dynamically to assure available */
>> +
>> +	if (fwts_ipmi_present())
>> +		features = FWTS_FW_FEATURE_IPMI;
>> +
> I'd probably do this after the switch (fwts_firmware_detect())
> statement; that assigns the base features, then we can OR-in more
> non-type-specific features with these checks.
> So, we'd do something like:
> 	switch (fwts_firmware_detect()) {
> 		features = FWTS_FW_FEATURE_ACPI;
> 		break;
> 		break;
> 	default:
> 		break;
> 	}
> 	if (fwts_ipmi_present())
> 		features |= FWTS_FW_FEATURE_IPMI;
> 	if (fwts_other_new_feature_present())
> 		features |= FWTS_FW_FEATURE_NEW_THING;

Will re-order.

>> @@ -83,7 +88,7 @@ const char *fwts_firmware_feature_string(const int features)
>>   {
>>   	const int n = FWTS_ARRAY_LEN(feature_names);
>>   	const char sep[] = ", ";
>> -	static char str[50];
>> +	static char str[60];
> Did you hit the FWTS_ASSERT before adding this change? I would have
> thought that 50 bytes was large enough to contain the new "IPMI"
> string too (strlen("ACPI, devicetree, IPMI") + 1 == 22).
> Or did I get the FWTS_ASSERT check wrong?

Here's some output on the ASSERT check, let me know if this was not the 
original intent:

static struct {
         enum firmware_feature feature;
         const char name[16];
} feature_names[] = {
         { FWTS_FW_FEATURE_ACPI,         "ACPI" },
         { FWTS_FW_FEATURE_DEVICETREE,   "devicetree" },
         { FWTS_FW_FEATURE_IPMI,         "IPMI" },

  const int n = FWTS_ARRAY_LEN(feature_names);
         const char sep[] = ", ";
         static char str[60];
         size_t len;
         char *p;
         int i;

         /* ensure we have enough space in str to store n names, plus n-1
          * separators, plus a trailing nul */

         printf("size of feature_names[0].name is %ld.\n", 
         printf("size of str is %ld.\n", sizeof(str));
         printf("size of sep is %ld.\n", sizeof(sep));
         printf("n is %i.\n", n);
         printf("assert value is %ld.\n", 
(n*(sizeof(feature_names[0].name)-1)+(  (n-1)*(sizeof(sep)-1) )+1)  );

         FWTS_ASSERT((n * (sizeof(feature_names[0].name) - 1)) +
                                 ((n-1) * (sizeof(sep) - 1)) + 1 <
                         sizeof(str), str_too_small);

bmc_info: BMC Info
size of feature_names[0].name is 16.
size of str is 60.
size of sep is 3.
n is 3.
assert value is 50.

3 * (16-1) +( 2*2 ) +  1   =

45 + 4 + 1 = 50

>> diff --git a/src/lib/src/fwts_framework.c b/src/lib/src/fwts_framework.c
>> index d0979c9..2faeb67 100644
>> --- a/src/lib/src/fwts_framework.c
>> +++ b/src/lib/src/fwts_framework.c
>> @@ -593,16 +593,6 @@ static int fwts_framework_run_test(fwts_framework *fw, fwts_framework_test *test
>>   	fwts_framework_minor_test_progress(fw, 0, "");
>> -	if (!fwts_firmware_has_features(test->fw_features)) {
>> -		int missing = test->fw_features & ~fwts_firmware_features();
>> -		fwts_log_info(fw, "Test skipped, missing features: %s",
>> -				fwts_firmware_feature_string(missing));
>> -		fw->current_major_test->results.skipped +=
>> -			test->ops->total_tests;
>> -		fw->total.skipped += test->ops->total_tests;
>> -		goto done;
>> -	}
>> -
>>   	if ((test->flags & FWTS_FLAG_ROOT_PRIV) &&
>>   	    (fwts_check_root_euid(fw, true) != FWTS_OK)) {
>>   		fwts_log_error(fw, "Aborted test, insufficient privilege.");
>> @@ -615,6 +605,16 @@ static int fwts_framework_run_test(fwts_framework *fw, fwts_framework_test *test
>>   		goto done;
>>   	}
>> +	if (!fwts_firmware_has_features(test->fw_features)) {
>> +		int missing = test->fw_features & ~fwts_firmware_features();
>> +		fwts_log_info(fw, "Test skipped, missing features: %s",
>> +			fwts_firmware_feature_string(missing));
>> +		fw->current_major_test->results.skipped +=
>> +			test->ops->total_tests;
>> +		fw->total.skipped += test->ops->total_tests;
>> +		goto done;
>> +	}
>> +
> If I'm reading it correctly, this change moves the feature check to
> *after* the ROOT_PRIV check. Was that your intention? Do we need to do
> that?
Moved the ROOT_PRIV check first to bail if ROOT_PRIV's are
required first, so that seems most likely the overall usage flows.
This was changed for IPMI cases since we needed ROOT_PRIV to do the
access check for R_OK | W_OK to successfully function, but
as you point out other users for IPMI may be able to W_OK, so we
can add access check for W_OK in IPMI BMC Info check.
> Or is that related to...
>> +unsigned int fwts_ipmi_msg_id = 1;
>> +static const char *fwts_ipmi_devnode = "/dev/ipmi0";
>> +
>> +bool fwts_ipmi_present(void) {
>> +	return !access(fwts_ipmi_devnode, R_OK | W_OK);
>> +}
> Semantic nit: the platform supports IPMI if !access(..., R_OK); however,
> we can only use it if W_OK.
> So, the feature check should be on R_OK, but the test should require
> ROOT_PRIV (or even better, we'd do another W_OK check in the test, as
> the IPMI device may be writable by non-root...).
> Cheers,
> Jeremy

Deb McLemore
IBM OpenPower - IBM Systems
(512) 286 9980

debmc at us.ibm.com
debmc at linux.vnet.ibm.com - (plain text)

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